Bodhi tokens are about to be swapped to the Naka main net, and NBOT will firstly launch on

3 min readMar 27, 2019


Dear Bodhi community members,

Bodhi project has been marching in the direction of DApp for more than one year and has done a bunch of works. To support the better development of Bodhi DApp ecosystem, our team launched the independent public chain platform in January 2019, named Naka Chain. The main-net of Naka has been running pretty steadily since the launch, the foundation decided to swap the Bodhi token to the main-net of Naka Chain.

Currently, the Bodhi project had two tokens, Bodhi Token (BOT) and Bodhi On Ethereum (BOE). BOT is the ERC-standard token based on Qtum, and BOE is the ERC-standard token based on Ethereum. After the swap of the tokens, BOT and BOE will be merged which based on the NAKA Chain and become one ERC-standard token NAKA Bodhi Token (NBOT).

Since the token’s trading prices of BOT and BOE are different on the exchanges, the foundation will calculate the exchange ratio of the combined NBOT based on the average opening price of the two tokens in CoinMarketCap in the past 30 days.

The average opening price for BOT over the past 30 days has been $0.030,728:

The average opening price for BOE over the past 30 days has been $0.021291:


The ratio of BOT to NBOT is: 1 BOT = 0.59 NBOT

The ratio of BOE to NBOT is: 1 BOE = 0.41 NBOT

Also, the total circulation of NBOT is still 100 million.

The has completed the integration of the Naka public chain wallet and become the first exchange to support the swap of tokens.

The will stop all the trading pairs of BOT and BOE when the announcement is made. The Bodhi foundation and will complete the swap of the token within one week. will reopen the trading pair of Naka Bodhi Token (NBOT) on April 4, 2019, at 12 AM EST.

To give community members sufficient time to prepare, the will continue to support the Bodhi’s swap of the token during the next 6 months. Users in the Bodhi community will be able to transfer BOT and BOE to the for the swap of the token during this period.

Bodhi foundation

March 27th, 2019


菩提代币即将切换到 Naka 主链, 将于4月5日首发支持


在过去一年多的时间里,菩提项目一直在 DApp 的方向上不余遗力地发展,并做了大量的工作。为了支持菩提 DApp 生态更好的发展,菩提在 2019 年 1 月推出了独立区块链平台 Naka 链。由于 Naka 主链上线至今运行稳定,基金会决定将菩提代币代币切换至 Naka 主链。

目前,菩提项目有 2 个代币,分别是 Bodhi Token (BOT) 和 Bodhi On Ethereum (BOE)。BOT 是基于量子的 ERC 标准代币,BOE 是基于以太坊的 ERC 标准代币。主链代币切换后,BOT 和 BOE 将在 NAKA 链上合二为一并为一个 ERC 标准代币 Naka Bodhi Token (NBOT)。Naka BOT 总发行量依然是 1 亿个。

由于 BOT 和 BOE 在交易所的交易价格不同,因此基金会将分别以两个代币过去 30 天在 CoinMarketCap 上的开盘均价为基准,计算合并为 NBOT 的兑换比例。

BOT 过去 30 天的开盘均价为 0.030728 美元:

BOE 过去 30 天的开盘均价为 0.021291 美元:


BOT 兑换 NBOT 的比例为:1 BOT = 0.59 NBOT

BOE 兑换 NBOT 的比例为:1 BOE = 0.41 NBOT 将首发支持菩提代币切换,并已经完成 Naka 公链钱包的整合工作。 将于公告发布之时停止 BOT 和 BOE 的所有交易对。菩提基金会与 将在一周时间内完成代币兑换工作。2019 年 4 月 5 日 将重新开启 Naka Bodhi Token (NBOT) 的所有交易对。

为了给予社区用户充分的准备时间, 将在未来 6 个月内持续支持菩提代币的兑换工作。菩提社区的用户将可以在此期间充值 BOT 和 BOE 到 进行代币兑换。


2019 年 3 月 27日

