How To Beat the Psychology of Self-sabotage

Conquer the mind to improve your life.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Three men in blindfold.
Photo by Asiama Junior from Pexels

As a kid, I hated it when my mom used to bug me to clean my room. I would often heap up everything from the floor and lock it in my wardrobe and call it a day. That heap often contained pizza boxes, candy wrappers, and dirty socks.

I remember one time I did this disgusting routine right after I promised myself to organize my closet. So, not only am I forsaking a commitment I am also doing the exact opposite to self-sabotage.

I know I had to clean up, but when my mom pointed out the same thing, my very instinct then was to do the opposite. Instead of cleaning, I trashed my room making a bigger mess.

Why do we hate doing the things we are told to do?

The Psychology Of Self-Sabotage

Psychological reactance is our knee-jerk reaction to not do what we are told to do. So, this is why we never want to do anything that our mother tells us to do. This is why you always want to press the big red button that clearly states Do Not Press.

This negative mental reflex kicks in whenever we feel like our independence is being threatened. It is a necessary evil that protects us from becoming too compliant and docile. It prevents us from being easily…



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-