The 3 Most Powerful Habits I’ve Developed So Far In Life

Optimizing mind, body, soul, and work, these habits build all-round success and wellbeing

Neeramitra Reddy


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“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.”

- John Dryden

We ALL know the power of habits — so I won’t waste your time rehashing it.

Instead, I’ll share the 3 most powerful habits I’ve ever built — in a quick “What, Why, How” framework to save you time.

Even if you build no other habit, these 3 alone will ensure a successful & happy life.

#1 — The Gateway Drug To Self-Improvement

1.1 — What?

Working out to build a strong, aesthetic, and athletic physique.

1.2 — Why?

  • On the physical side — You’ll look great in any (or no) clothes. Optimal hormones. Max energy levels. Peak attention from the opposite sex. Respect from the get-go.
  • On the mental side — It’ll work wonders for your self-esteem, confidence, discipline, work ethic, and positivity.
  • Best of all? It blasts open the doors to all-around self-improvement — relationships, productivity, God, social skills, and earning wealth.
Photos of the author (Ages 16 vs 22)

P.S. I’ve documented my entire journey from skinny and awkward to muscular and charismatic. If that sounds interesting, read it for free here.

1.3 — How?

#2 — A Cliche But Still Ignored Superpower

2.1 — What?

Meditation, aka going deep within your Self — not “sitting and concentrating,” as pop gurus say.

2.2 — Why?

Meditation alters the very field of your mind & reality — its benefits are near-infinite.

  • Physical benefits: Calmer, deeper voice. Erect posture. Precise words and actions. A powerful, indescribable aura.
  • Mental benefits: Higher stress tolerance. Lower anxiety & depression. More peace. The ability to stay calm under pressure. Act, not react.
  • Spiritual benefits: God — you’ll find your God and touch divine/cosmic consciousness. This leads to radically better life choices, actions, and words.
Photo of the author meditating at Vipassana Bangalore

Meditation’s superpower doesn’t become apparent until you actually meditate! Then, it becomes a drug you can’t get enough of.

2.3 — How?

  • The Best Way: Do a specialized meditation course — Vipassana is undisputedly #1. AOL’s Sahaj is #2. Both have worldwide centers — check here and here.
  • Good Way: Enroll in regular meditation classes nearby — prefer offline > online.
  • Okay Way: Start with guided meditations. Videos >> apps. Goenka ji’s Anapana, Bhanu Didi’s Sahaj, and Roy’s Kriya meditations are great.

#3 — The Quickest Habit on This List

3.1 — What?

Bullet journaling, aka faster journaling for busy, realistic, & practical folks.

3.2 — Why?

Bullet journaling is a deceptively simple habit with unbelievable long-term results.

  • By structuring each day, it eliminates procrastination and decision fatigue.
  • Through daily prioritization, it helps you internalize your priorities and get high-priority work done.
  • The gratitude component helps you grow more thankful — and happier.

BJ isn’t an overnight-change habit — it’s a compounding habit that creates true alchemy over weeks, months, and years,

3.3 — How?

P.S. Pen-and-paper journaling is scientifically proven to be more therapeutic and powerful than digital journaling.

Photos of the 2-minute bullet journal

To Learn More About the 2-Minute Bullet Journal, Click Here

  • Good Way: Journal digitally with Notion using the free 2-Minute Bullet Journaling Template.
  • Okay Way: When in a hurry, bullet-journal mentally, on a paper scrap, or with a note-taking app.

Before You Say, “Bah! These Habits Are Cliche”…

They’re cliche because they WORK — unlike the 2-minute feel-good hacks everywhere online.

Optimizing mind, body, work, and soul — these 3 habits ensure holistic self-improvement and success.

Don’t take my word for it — start them, and you’ll see for yourself.

Have any more questions/doubts regarding these habits? Reply to this article or shoot me a Twitter DM. I’ll be happy to help resolve them.

Godspeed and Regards,
Neeramitra Reddy

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Neeramitra Reddy

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