Kelly Coffey, J.P.Morgan Private Bank CEO: My Thrive 28-Day Challenge

Thrive Global
Thrive Global
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2016

This challenge is coming at a great time for me. The holidays, combined with year-end work for our clients, is my busiest time of year. In addition, I have been on the road non-stop for the past month and I am definitely sleep deprived. I was lucky to spend time with Arianna this summer, after we selected her book for our summer reading list. I interviewed her to highlight her research and to get some tips for our clients and for me. The best tip I learned was NOT to have my iPhone next to my bed while I slept. I had been using it as an alarm — but the temptation to look at it if I couldn’t fall right to sleep — or during the night — was too much! I now leave it charging in the kitchen and it makes a big difference! If I am in a hotel, it goes on the other side of the room or in the bathroom. The other great tip Arianna gave me is to start a new peaceful bedtime routine. I now read an actual book (no kindle!) and listen to soft music before going to sleep. I am committed to getting my 7 hours every night — even though I have an event or party every night through the end of the year. Wish me luck!



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