Nomade Label celebrates the centenary of Gilberto Mendes

Holding events in the cities of São Paulo, Santos and in the metaverse, Nomade Label, Filmes de Infiltração, PROCD and Antimétodo DAOs are joining the celebration of the great avant-garde musician.

Nomade Label
4 min readOct 9, 2022
A photo of Gilberto Mendes in front of a piano looking at the camera styled in tons of red with the logos of Nomade Label and NEAR.
100 Anos de Gilberto Mendes

It’s out (and loud) in different local media in the city of Santos: cultural activities will celebrate 100 years of Gilberto Mendes and Nomade Label will be part of the festivities that begin on October 10th.

Screenshots of the celebrations of 100 years of Gilberto Mendes in the news.
Sources: “A Tribuna”newspaper and Prefeitura de Santos’s website. Screenshots taken on 09/30/2022 and pages translated using Google automatic translation feature.

About Mendes

Gilberto Mendes was a Brazilian composer, writer and actor born in 1922 (the same year when the important Modern Art Week was happening in São Paulo) who deeply marked contemporary music in Brazil and left us with a broad experimental work to dive into.

He started his musical studies when 19 years-old, which he considered late to start learning piano, but it was just the right time to consolidate the basis for his unusual compositions, frequently involving not only the notes to be played by an instrument or sang by a voice, but also body movements absorbing the universe of theater, or even a marked burp in the middle of a song as in the classic “Beba Coca-Cola”, a piece based on a modern poem by Décio Pignatari.

“Musical theater is not required. While singing, the singer indicates on the picture (already projected on a slide or reproduced on paper/poster somewhere on the stage, stretched from top to bottom by two small wooden bars), with a pointer, the points explained by the text, as in an anatomy class.“ — Extracted from: Brazilian International Songbook Online 4

No wonder he was a pioneer in concrete and random music in Brazil and one of his phases called “Experimentalismo” brought unusual exploration not only of those elements, but around music theater and happening. Mr. Mendes is the founder of the longest lasting and most important contemporary music festival in Latin America: Festival Música Nova, premiered 56 years ago.

Events (IRL and online)

To honor the master the fullest, Nomade Label is joining its creative force along 3 other DAOs and promoting several activities in the month of October inspired by Mende’s work or even including his participation as an actor, as is the case of the film to be shown on the 12th at Cine Arte Posto 4: “With My Dog Eyes” directed by Thais Almeida Prado, founder of Filmes de Infiltração DAO.

On the 10th, the sixth presentation of Mobidance will take place, bringing live music, dance and projection performances.

Promotional flyer for Mobidance VI

October will also bring the first day of the workshop Intriguing Sound Objects Orchestra promoted by Antimetodo DAO through Caleb Mascarenhas with the support of PROCD DAO, presenting his work process in music production and construction of Intriguing Sound Objects, which are musical instruments built by him in boxes of everyday objects such as soap dishes, plastic jars, shampoo and food jars. This edition will also focus on the processes of publishing works as NFT on the Near network and the basic principles of blockchain.

You can check our upcoming events at our social media pages. So far, we have the following schedule:

10/10 — Concha Acústica (orla da Praia do Gonzaga), Santos (SP)
18h — ‘Desconstruindo Mendes — Mobidance 6’
Performance with music, dance and projections with Nomade Label’s artists

12/10 — Cine Arte Posto 4 (Orla da Praia do Gonzaga), Santos
Film session ‘Giberto Mendes em Cena’
16h — ‘A Odisséia Musical de Giberto Mendes’ — director: Carlos de Moura Ribeiro Mendes — 116min
18h30–‘Olho — Urubu: Gilberto Mendes’ — director: André Guerreiro Lopes — 5min.
– ‘gm — 8 cantos’ — director: Gregório Gananian — 16min
– ‘Com Meus Olhos de Cão’ — director: Thais de Almeida Prado — 45min
The film screening will be followed by a chat with the directors.
21h–‘Rosa dos Ventos’ — dir. Carlos Oliveira — 16min
– ‘O Anjo Esquerdo da História’ — dir. Carlos Oliveira — 21min
– ‘Duo para Gilberto’ — dir. Eduardo Ferreira — 3 min

16/10 — Cine Bijou, São Paulo (also: Youtube and Voxel)
20h — ‘Olho — Urubu: Gilberto Mendes’ — dir. André Guerreiro Lopes — 5min.
– ‘gm — 8 cantos’ — dir. Gregório Gananian — 16min
– ‘Com Meus Olhos de Cão’. Dir. Thais de Almeida Prado — 45min
Após a sessão bate-papo com os diretores
21h40 — Mobidance 6 — desconstruindo Gilberto Mendes


The events will hold special NFTs for the live participants, as well as for the general public. If you can’t be present irl, soon we will display a special 100 Years of Gilberto Mendes collection at our Mintbase store, which is a unique milestone in our trajectory as DAO.

Gilberto Mendes dared to experiment with art and to be ahead of his time, generating incredible material for ears, eyes and thought. It is an honor to join this centenary celebration bringing the vision of web3 through NEAR Protocol and adding to it our unique individual and collective artistic points of view. Each person that has been with us until here is a part of this trajectory and for that we are thankful.

To keep updated to our DAO’s journey, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and check our socials.

Article by esther lourenço

Supported by NEAR Protocol



Nomade Label

Transdisciplinary artistic DAO supporting research in performance, music, poetry and audiovisual arts.