A Cloud Guru
A Cloud Guru
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2 min readJun 5, 2018


The Serverless Revolution

Join leaders of the serverless revolution at A Cloud Guru’s Serverlessconf in San Francisco. Registration is now open for the hottest conference in the cloud.

  1. Simon Wardley: Containers won the battle, but will lose the war to serverless. I’d be investing my time in learning about serverless practices. Because that’s the future. (7 min read)
  2. Joe Emison: Why invest in backend developers when your customers don’t care? The front end is where all the business value lives — serverless optimizes your organization for customer facing experiences. (10 min read)
  3. Ben Kehoe: Like so many things in life, serverless is not an all-or-nothing proposition. It’s a spectrum — and more than that, it has multiple dimensions along which the degree of serverless can vary. (7 min read)
  4. Rob Gruhl: The challenges of developing event-driven serverless systems at massive scale. Design considerations of Nordstrom’s event-sourced architecture working off a distributed ledger. (11 min read)
  5. Sam Kroonenburg: Modern software designs are transitioning from a typical 3-tier architecture to thick-client apps connected to a cloud-based serverless architecture using microservice functions. (7 min read)
  6. Mark Nunnikhoven: The state of serverless security. How are we doing as a community of builders? With serverless, are we building more resilient systems? (6 min read)

Serverlessconf San Francisco kicks-off with a hackathon on July 29th, workshops on July 30th, followed by 2 full-days of speaker sessions.

Join the Serverless Revolution!
A Cloud Guru’s Serverlessconf is a community-led conference focused on sharing insights, lessons, and emerging serverless technology.

Follow ServerlessConf and A Cloud Guru on Twitter for the latest information on the conference hackathon, hands-on workshops, and speaker announcements.

Keep being awesome!

