5 Secret Features of iOS 16 You Haven’t Tried Yet

Get a good rapport with iOS 16

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readOct 12, 2022


Memoji on iOS
Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

It’s been a while since iOS 16 has arrived. We’ve got hundreds of new features — Of which most lie at the surface, screaming, “Hey look! I’m here. Use me, pleease :)”

However, there also exist a handful of features, deeply buried, just hoping to be discovered someday. Pity.

Here are five of such innocent ones.

If you say, “I knew this”, for any of the features below, chances are:

  • you might’ve knew it by accident,
  • you’re an Apple geek (like the author :P), or
  • your friend is.

#1. Copy-paste Calendar Events

Have you ever needed to duplicate a meeting to another day? If so,

In iOS 15, you had to jot down all the event’s details and create a new one by typing them all.

Isn’t it weary? Yes, but thankfully,

You can now cut/copy-paste events on iOS (16).


  • Head over to the Calendar app,
  • cut/copy an event by tapping and holding it, and clicking on your preferred option.

