Before Breakfast

Some Alternative Thoughts on Productivity

Tara Sophia Mohr
3 min readFeb 5, 2014

Last week, via a friend’s Facebook post, I came across this Inc. Magazine article, “12 Things Successful People Do Before Breakfast.”

The article reflects a set of ideas that are dominant in our culture:

that productivity = doing more
that successful people = people with big titles and high-powered careers
that being more productive => being happier

As I read the twelve tips in the article, I heard responses to each one in my head. It sounded like this:

Inc. Magazine says successful people wake up early.

I say sane/happy/successful people sleep in when they need it and don’t feel guilty about it.

Inc. Magazine says successful people exercise before it falls off the to-do list.

I say sane/happy/successful people notice when exercise feels like a burdensome to-do list item, and shift to a new form of movement that feels more fun.

Inc. Magazine says successful people work on a top-priority business project in the early mornings.

I say sane/happy/successful people work on a personal, creative, spiritual or professional endeavor that fits well with how they feel in the mornings. Or sometimes, they don’t work at all, because they know rest and work and savoring are each important.

Inc. Magazine says successful people connect with their spouses in the mornings. Says the article: “What could be better than pre-dawn sex to energize you for the day? After all, regular sex may make you smarter, boost your income, and burn calories.”

I say sane/happy/successful people make love in the morning not because it will help them be more productive, but because it feels wonderful and connects them to someone they love.

Inc. Magazine says successful people network over coffee.

I say sane/happy/successful people pour high quality cream in their coffee. Then they drink it slowly.

Inc. Magazine says successful people meditate to clear their minds.

I say sane/happy/successful people meditate to cultivate equanimity and compassion, so that they cause less suffering to themselves and to other human beings.

Inc. Magazine says successful people plan and strategize while they’re fresh.

I say sane/happy/successful people know that their best work happens not when they plan and strategize, but when they let plans and strategies come to them, especially during idle times, like on a long walks and while soaking in the bath.

Inc. Magazine says successful people read the news.

I say sane/happy/successful people read what’s old. They turn to timeless texts again to understand the core human dynamics that lie behind the myriad stories in the news.

I suppose that during those times when we feel like we just can’t get anything done, like our priorities don’t get our attention, like we’re more sluggish than energetic, more lost than organized, productivity tips can help. I’m glad they are out there for people during those times.

But being productive is not equivalent to doing important work, and being productive won’t care for our hearts, sustain our planet, or fortify those we love.

Thanks for reading. You can check out some more thoughts at my site here.



Tara Sophia Mohr

Helping women play bigger in work & life. Advancing the idea that compassion is a form of wisdom. Loves writing, skies, and art.