
Trevor Oakley
1 min readOct 2, 2017


I am writing this to address the plethora of comments about prices of tokens and the thirst for their value going up. I hear few people talk about liquidity.

The reason for the price hikes, and the volatility is the lack of liquidity. This means when tokens are offered to sell, there are few buyers and the price is very volatile.

Here is an example —

DCN had a volume of just 1000 ETH and rapid price movements. The point about a token is that it has some kind of currency status (lawyers argue about what exactly is a currency in legal terms) but tokens are used in many cases to get something which basically is akin to buying something using the token.

If a token is used to get something, it has a value and hence liquidity matters.

Hence when an ICO takes place, the new token will need liquidity to be effective and that means a reasonable value relative to the market in which it operates.

