Here Are 5 Signs that You Are Training Too Hard

And 5 signs that you aren’t training hard enough

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
7 min readMar 14, 2021


Shaking my head, “What even does he plan on achieving training like that?”, I mutter to myself as he sets down the 2.5 kg dumbbells and mops the non-existent sweat off his forehead.

And then, on the other side, there’s a guy grunting as he labors in the sixth subset of his curl drop set with his biceps turning purple.

Most of the people I see in regular gyms are doing one of two things — either not training hard enough or training too hard. Both kill your gains. The goal of training is to provide sufficient stimulus to trigger Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) in your muscles.

Not training hard enough or undertraining won’t trigger enough MPS while training too hard or overtraining will lead to muscle breakdown and in extreme cases, Rhabdomyolysis — muscle damage and internal bleeding.

Training optimally isn’t rocket science. You just have to listen to your body and be on the lookout for certain signs.

“Not training hard enough or training too hard. Both kill your gains.”

5 Signs of Overtraining

#1. Lack of appetite

