3 Powerful Practices to Embrace Your Full Life

Emily Madill
Thrive Global
Published in
6 min readNov 23, 2016


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How full is your schedule? Do you juggle many things in your day? Do you ever think, things would be better if only there was more time?

It is pretty common to have thoughts and complaints about having too much to do and not enough time. On many different occasions, I have heard myself whine: “I am so busy!” Only to later wonder why everything feels really hard as I frantically push to fit it all in.

What might happen, if we were to reframe our approach to balancing and experiencing full days? What if we were to consider the way we view “busy” under a new lens — one that is steeped in gratitude.

In an attempt to enjoy the variety in my life, I am reframing the way I experience “busy.” Rather than scrutinizing the term with a negative tone, I thought it might be refreshing to re-define it in a way that is a bit more optimistic and inviting. These are three powerful practices that help me reframe the way I view busy and instead embrace the fullness of my life. Try them out and see if they may be a fit for where you are in your life.

1) Focus

What do you focus on? Perhaps you are accustomed to living in the story that life is hard and there is too much pressure. Or maybe your “go to” place is the idea that life is exciting and opportunities exist for you to…



Emily Madill
Thrive Global

Author & ICF Certified Coach (ACC)• BA in Business & Psychology.• Thrive Global editor-at-large•Author of 11 books•Coach at BetterUp•WWW.WEEKLYHAPPINESSNOTE.COM