2 min readNov 14, 2018

According to Coinmap, more than 13000 retailers worldwide are able to accept bitcoins for their goods and services, with this number constantly growing. On the global level, the real number of cryptocurrency-friendly providers is considerably higher.

The rapid growth of cryptomarket in 2017 has caused rumors of cryptocurrency integration as a payment method for many well-known online-stores and platforms. Acquisition of, and domains by Amazon established confidence that the e-commerce giant would soon be adopting an existing cryptocurrency, or designing one of their own. More than half of the 1000 interviewed platform users expressed their willingness to use AmazonCoin in case it was issued.

Unstable market situation of 2018 and suspicions of unfair play on the part of Tether Limited have increased the level of cryptocurrency fraud, reducing the interest of e-commerce market participants in using cryptocurrency payment services. On one hand, the controversial situation with the cryptocurrency legalization in vast majority of countries around the world is the main problem for market entry for e-commerce giants; on the other hand, small players are hindered by the high level of fraud.

The Connectius Core Team has developed a solution to protect market participants and secure their transactions from fraud:

1) The companies no longer need to create their own wallets. With the help of Connectius API, they can use cold storages linked to the platform account. These storages are not linked to the operation wallets;

2) Clearly defined platform architecture makes it possible to conceal transactions from competitors by generating an unlimited number of wallets via a convenient merchant API. It also boosts local payment security;

3) Highest level of security is maintained by deploying nodes for every cryptocurrency in use. Private keys can be stored both on the merchant’s and the Connectius’ sides;

4) Detailed customized reports for all transactions allow to conduct a thorough review of revolving funds, facilitate reporting and impact analysis;

5) 5) API Connectius Pay can be easily integrated at a minimum cost into any existing e-commerce store or platform with the help of an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The platform offers standard plugins for popular CRM systems.

The Connectius Core Team continues to design and test cryptocurrency POS-terminal integration.