MiniCorp Reviews: Revolut

We take a look at the banking alternative sensation and give our thoughts on the experience so far

Andrew McDonagh
3 min readMar 1, 2018


So, the crew here at MiniCorp have been using Revolut for the past few months. After a few teething problems at the beginning with cards not working on certain things, it seems that the banking alternative has hit it’s stride and we are loving it! Here are just a few features that have really impressed us so far:

Easy and fast top up

This feature really has been streamlined in the past few months. Once you have set up a debit/credit card on your account, you simply enter the amount you want to top by and hit top up. The transfer happens in a matter of seconds and immediately updates in your Revolut balance meaning it is super-simple to manage your finances on the fly.

Amazing Fraud prevention features

This is an area of banking that worries everyone, but Revolut have paid great attention to their fraud prevention. Immediately after a transaction, you receive a push notification stating where and how much you spent on the transaction.

However, what’s more impressive is the fact that you can edit certain security features via the mobile app. You can change your pin, turn of contactless payments and disable swipe payments. You can even turn off ATM withdrawals and online transactions.

On top of all this, if you lose your card you can simply “Freeze” that card. If you manage to find the card, simply un-freeze it and it becomes active again. Amazing!!

Awesome Currency Conversion Rates

As we tend to be in the UK for various reasons throughout the year, the currency exchange within Revlout comes in very handy. It is far superior to that you would get in a regular bank. We basically get the currency conversions banks charge each other before they mark up the price for us consumers.

On top of this, you can have a dedicated GBP account alongside your EURO account within the Revolut mobile app. You can keep this topped up if you are travelling quite a bit. This feature can also be used with all compatible currencies Revolut offers.

Split the Bill

Picture this. You are out for a meal with 3 friends. One has cash, one has their debit card and one has forgot their wallet (typical). This usually ends up with an awkward payment of the bill. Revolut combats this so easily. We go for lunch together pretty much every day and even if only one person has remembered to bring their wallet we can split the bill and request everyone pay us back within the mobile app. And paying someone back has never been easier. You simply select the “Split Bill Request”, which includes the amount you owe and hit send. Done! It’s so handy!

Revolut are constantly introducing new features. Features such as Crypto Currencies and Insurance are new to the app right now. It will be interesting to see what else they introduce in the coming months. As for us here at MiniCorp, we cant wait to try out everything they have to offer us.



Andrew McDonagh

Product Designer @ MiniCorp. Loves minimalistic design. Function over fashion.