How Will XRSS Work And Back XRONOS Stability?

5 min readOct 5, 2017


XRSS — XRONOS real-time stabilization system — is a complicated technology, in the basis of XRONOS aggregator. XRSS makes XRONOS unique. XRSS is the system responsible for XPO exchange rate control and for transfer of the funds into / out of the system. Operation options are not pulled out of the hat, but, of course, logically constructed.

Let’s mentally teleport to the nearest future, when Presale and ICO are over, and XRONOS becomes a Stable Coin. How the system works in field conditions? Where the exchange rate comes from? How is it controlled by the system? First things first.

The price of 1 XPO is attached to GAW value and it is denominated in SDR. What these abbreviations stand for? GAW is a worldwide average index, expressing the cost of a working hour on the planet. Its calculation is based on the open data, officially provided by OECD member countries. These countries take the data from revenue services and other institutions doing statistics.

SDR is the index used by IMF for internal calculations between member states of the fund. It consists of five largest and strongest currencies in proportion to their volume in the global economy. It is like a powerful cryptocurrency basket, which is so heavy, that it stays stable, especially in comparison to the prices storm at the currency exchanges.

That means that the price of 1 XPO is bound to two average indexes of global economy, which are stable and secure enough to rely on. Backing and liquidity are the only things that are left to sort out.

How to hold the exchange rate in leash?

Firstly, the correct price of the coin must be calculated. All the computations on the planned XPO price are conducted by so called XBA, analytical xronobot. It is also responsible for other tools’ operations, which are two other xronobots (XBE and XBG), and also for the plan of “digital gold and currency reserve” composition, meaning cryptocurrency basket. To make it happen, the bot gathers the statistics on cryptocurrency and market conditions, information about GAW and SDR, analyzes the data and acts basing on the results. It constructs a plan for rates of purchase and emission of XPO during next 24 hours.

XBE — emitting xronobot

Since XRONOS doesn’t use mining as a resource of new tokens, new coins emission is conducted only through its purchase at the market. Income is directed to the guarantee xronobot.

The intensity of emission depends directly on its demand. Tons of crypto needed ASAP? Then xronobot emits coins at the price of GAW +1%. Supply at the market is much higher than demand? Then emission won’t be conducted at all, users buy out all of the other users’ coins, who needed conversion into crypt or fiat money.

XBG — guaranteeing xronobot

XBG is a distributor of “digital central bank”, which manages the gathered crypto-assets. Approximately 40% of it stay in the cold storage, others are used at the exchanges as the cryptocurrency basket. It also conducts demission of the funds, or in simple terms, its conversion into fiat money. If the XPO supply is higher than the demand, the coins are bought out by the bot at the price of GAW-1%. It takes money for withdrawal from selling the gathers goods.

Cryptocurrency Basket

In fact, this is a diversified storage for cryptoassets. Based on the data of the bot-analyst, XBG purchases a package of “crypts” in accordance to the market situation: preference is given to the most actively traded and stable coins. Their total capitalization equals 90–98% of the cryptocurrency market.

The information about current state of the cryptocurrency basket managed by xronobots is open and available on the official website. It’s updated once a day.

Common Logic

In sum, XRSS works with a pretty trivial logic. Someone needs new coins — he just buys them on the exchange from other users or from xronobot. The rate is calculated by the bot-analyst and is controlled by two systems: emitting and withdrawal. The first one sells coins at a price higher than the planned one, the second one is buying them at a price below the target. So users can only have a narrow 2% corridor of exchange rate fluctuations. If the price is out of it, it is more profitable to use xronobots.

Return Guarantee

The funds withdrawal is fully guaranteed by the accumulated crypto-assets. The fact is that XPO is bought in the crypto, and the price equals the rate of fiat money for a certain day. In the long term, the “crypt” will only rise in price, so 0.01 BTC invested once will increase its dollar / euro value. As a result, for the return of funds from the system it will be necessary to spend less “bitcoins” or other cryptocurrencies, so that all XPO can be safely bought and sold: this will practically affect neither the exchange rate of the cryptocurrency nor the stability of the market.

Balance Of Forces

In the end, we have a simple and harmonious picture. Analytical bot calculates the standard price of one XPO coin and the composition of the cryptocurrency basket. Emitting bot sells new coins at the price that is 1% higher than the standard, and it also transfers income into cryptocurrency basket. Guarantee bot buys up unnecessary coins for 1% cheaper than the standard, meaning, it provides a fast and safe guaranteed withdrawal of funds. Speculators have no chance.


It is the right time to come back from elegant theories to harsh reality. Crypto-market is very speculative, and it is really hard to bring attention to the currency, which won’t rise in price. That is the exact reason why we conduct 4 stages of stabilization (2 Presales and 2 ICOs), during which the rate will be gradually rising up from 1/10 of the price to the planned number.

It is an instrument of gaining popularity for us. For you it is, firstly, a test-drive of the system with transparent risks and, secondly, an opportunity to gain some money on your trust.




XRONOS it is a sum of technologies that helps to create the most stable cryptocurrency in the world