Our Social Mission

1 min readFeb 7, 2018


Nowadays there are at least 650 million people with disabilities worldwide.Most of these people are likely to face such challenges as inadequate income and difficulties in finding a job.

80% of people with disabilities live in developing countries, where existing social security systems can’t fully meet a need for expensive health services, including rehabilitation services, that are necessary for people in this category.

Thousands of highly qualified specialists with disabilities can’t share sometimes the highest level of their competencies. VELPER allows everyone, regardless of individual health status, to communicate with people and earn at the same time, applying their knowledge to help an unlimited number of people.

Using VELPER, people with disabilities receive a unique chance to increase their income and improve a quality of life.

Velper is always open for cooperation with charitable organizations and international social protection institutions. We are ready to adapt and develop mechanisms of using the application for each specific case.

We sincerely believe that in the nearest future Velper will become a global platform for communication, development and earnings. Our social program based on principles of society’s equal opportunities!

If you are interested in our social program and ready to support the project, or to act as a partner, we ask you to fill out the feedback form or contact us:

Official site: http://velper.io/en

White Paper: http://velper.io/docs/eng/whitepaper.pdf?123

GitHub: https://github.com/VelperIO

Telegram channel: https://t.me/velper

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Velper_official




Innovative service for online-help, earnings and exchange of cryptocurrencies.