7 Physical Tools to Be More Consistent in Your Habits and Goals for Success

Kevin Nokia
6 min readJan 11, 2024


Concistency is key.

I always said that, whether on Twitter, X, or here. Concistency is how I got here and continue to write. Consistency is how my questions are answered.

I don’t get it from motivations, etc.

I just need to be consistent.

So you are.

Even so, without the correct support, you will likely procrastinate and have demons inside of you control you. It’s like going to war without any proper armor or weapon.

So, in order to make you ready and armored,

Here are 7 tools you can use to be consistent:

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

1. Planner: Your Trusty Roadmap

A classic planner provides a tangible way to map out your days, set goals, and keep track of tasks.

It’s your personalized roadmap to consistency, allowing you to stay organized and focused on your priorities. You can use a simple notebook. I suggest you find a notebook that could include a planner, thoughts, etc.

This way, you don’t have to confuse yourself with finding the right book.

You have one book for everything.

Keep it secret, though; you don’t want other people to know your goals and habits.

Let the action do the work.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

2. Whiteboard or Chalkboard: Visualize Your Success

A whiteboard or chalkboard offers a visual platform for goal-setting, brainstorming, and daily planning.

The act of physically writing down your tasks and goals reinforces your commitment and helps maintain consistency. You can see this as Alex Hormozi using a big piece of paper to write down his ideas and plans in his YouTube videos. It doesn’t have to be a big, proper whiteboard in class.

You can use your own big piece of paper, which represents your whiteboard.

This way, you can be more engaged and feel more ideas come through. You have a lot of space for success or goal-setting to put down. You are not afraid of having limited spaces.

That’s why it helps you visualize your success and habits more clearly.

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

3. Habit Tracker Journal: Chart Your Progress

A habit tracker journal provides a hands-on approach to monitoring your habits.

By physically recording your daily achievements, you create a visual representation of your progress, fostering consistency and building positive routines. This way, you can be more rewarded after you achieve something with just a simple cross or tick on your habit tracker.

You can use a digital app called Goal Tracker.

I suggest using paper so you can feel it more rather than just touching a screen on your phone. This is why physical tools are sometimes better than digital tools. You can feel it more physically, which is important to sense progress and achievement.

You can use the same notebook as number 1 to help you bring one book rather than a bunch of books with you.

Photo by Tristan Gassert on Unsplash

4. Pomodoro Timer: Boost Productivity with Focus

A physical timer, like a kitchen timer or a Pomodoro timer, can help you implement time-management techniques.

Set intervals for focused work, promoting consistency in productivity without succumbing to distractions. You can use pomodoro to study. I use 50/10 sometimes.

If you don’t like a lot of breaks that cause distraction, you can use 50/10.

If you like to take a short break every study session to regain your focus, use 25/5.

It depends on yourself; you can customize it to 30/10 or 15/5.

This way, you can become more engaged and avoid using digital screens on your phone, like the Forest app.

This is why I made two articles, one about digital tools and one about physical tools, which is this article.

This would help you choose between the correct tools you need to become more consistent.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

5. Water Bottle: Hydration on Your Desk

I always bring a water bottle to my desk.

This way, I don’t have to go to my kitchen and fill my water bottle again. I just need to stretch my arm and have a drink for a little bit to continue to work. You limit distraction and friction to help you not only focus on work but also hydrate yourself.

The more you hydrate, the more focus you regain.

Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

6. Notebook or Journal: Capture Your Thoughts

A physical notebook or journal serves as a space for reflection, goal-setting, and idea-jotting.

This tool aids consistency in personal development by providing a tangible outlet for your thoughts and aspirations. I always bring a notebook or journal everywhere I go.

I wait for someone, and I bring it.

I go to a church, and I bring it.

When I go to a cafe or restaurant, I bring it.

This way, I can capture butterflies of ideas in my notebook and not let them go away. The more butterflies, the more beautiful my garden is.

But there’s a way to help you get inspired every day without capturing butterflies.

I will write in the future about how to gain ideas and inspiration for your writing by making the butterflies come to you.

It’s by making your garden beautiful.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

7. Pencil Case: Organize for Efficiency

Remember your elementary school?

Yeah, let’s get back and use that amazing tool.

I know that you might don’t like it and that it looks stupid, but without it, are you sure that your pen, pencil, eraser, and highlighter are in the same place?

Are you sure that you can find it with ease without exploring your hand in your magical bag?

A pencil case helps you bring all of your weapons into one box. You don’t have to use a pencil case like in elementary school. You can use a small, cooler bag to bring all of your tools.

This way, you decrease the amount of time or friction needed to get working and write.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Concistency is key.

Just like I said in the beginning, Whatever you do, remember to be consistent with it because the more in-depth you are in a specific skill, the more you know what you really are and are capable of. That’s the way you find purpose and achieve success in life.

By being consistent.

You can read my 10 digital tools if you want to use more weapons and armor for your war.

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”

Anthony Robbins

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  • My Booknotes (Free) | Download here
    Understand What You Read with Implementation Guide
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    How to Change Your Life with Implementation Guide
  • 30-day Simple Habit Tracker (Free) | Download Here
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Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate https://substack.com/@kevinnokiawriting