Ark Fi: the protocol explained

Home Free
13 min readNov 6, 2022


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After super successful DeFi ROI protocols such as Drip and Furio, ARK Fi enters the game.

This team has learned all the lessons from the best and the least successful previous projects to launch at possibly the best time, the potential temporary bottom of the market.

Many features to make it sustainable, to promote to play the way it’s meant to be.

But this time… We are able to get in EARLY!

3 Public Presales are about to happen before the launch in December, each of them a bit more expensive than the previous one.

Are you going to miss out on this opportunity?

Presales and Launch dates

Much of this information has been extracted from their White Paper, feel free to read it and expand your knowledge about the project.

Ecosystem Overview

Ark Fi offers a suite of synergistic DeFi protocols that create a sustainable ecosystem.


  • DeFi Passive Income Protocol
  • Built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
  • Up to 2% Daily ROI
  • Sustainable Tokenomics
  • Price Stability Mechanics
  • Referral Rewards
  • Pump & Dump Throttling


  • Ark Vault: Up to 2% daily ROI contract that rewards in $ARK tokens
  • Ark Foundation: Stable coin liquidity pool
  • Stake BOND ($ARK/BUSD pair): Earn a variable yield while unlocking syndicate reward levels
  • Legacy NFTs: Unlock syndicate reward levels, raise compounding limits, earn ecosystem rewards and gain DAO membership

Ark Vault

The backbone of the ecosystem and primary rewards protocol, earning up to 2% daily.


  • The Ark Vault functions like a high yield certificate of deposit (CD). $ARK tokens deposited and locked in the Ark Vault are rewarded back over time through a sustainable tax system at a rate of up to 2% daily.

Max Payout

  • A max payout of 290% (2.9X) of the principal balance, up to 80,000 $ARK tokens is allowed for each account.
  • To reach a Principal Balance of 27,586 tokens (80,000/2.9) enabling maximum payout, a user can compound available daily rewards, earn referral rewards or make fresh capital deposits.

Daily ROI

  • Up to 2% is rewarded daily on Principal Balance.
  • Rewards will cease to accrue after 24 hours unless all available rewards are withdrawn, airdropped or compounded.
  • The daily ROI is reduced to 1% if the Net Deposit Value (NDV) becomes negative.
  • The daily ROI can also be permanently reduced to 0.5% if the Compound/Withdraw Ratio (CWR) drops below 0.75.

Please refer to the NDV and CWR sections of this White Paper for more details.

Minimum Investment

  • 10 $ARK tokens (after 10% deposit tax). When making an initial deposit, a pre-tax deposit of 11 $ARK is required to open an Ark Vault account.

Maximum Investment (Deposits)

  • 4000 $ARK tokens = post-tax deposits + airdrops received. Once cumulative deposit reaches 4000 $ARK, your account will not be eligible for fresh deposits or to receive airdrops.


  • $ARK/BUSD liquidity for native and external swaps is provided from presale funding rounds and the Ark Foundation contract.

Ark Foundation

Earn a variable yield and unlock referral reward levels by depositing BUSD or $ARK.

The Ark Foundation builds a deep liquidity pool to support the swap functions, stabilize the $ARK token price and offer a stable way to earn passive income while supplying liquidity to Ark.

Only wallets with an Ark Vault account can participate in the Ark Foundation.

BOND Staking an earn A Variable Daily Yield

Liquid staking whereby BUSD or $ARK is deposited and automatically swapped and paired to create BOND, a 50/50 BUSD/$ARK liquidity pair.

All deposits are automatically staked.

Unlock Syndicate Reward Levels

  • The staked BOND value is used to unlock Syndicate reward levels and earn a variable yield.
  • The value of your staked BOND determines qualification for the Syndicate referral reward levels (1–15) and is displayed on your Ark Foundation dashboard.
  • BOND value is variable, and, to maintain certain Syndicate reward levels, additional BUSD may need to be added from time to time.

Legacy NFTs

The ownership protocol of the Ark Fi ecosystem that unlocks exclusive benefits and rewards.

Legacy NFTs are an exclusive NFT with benefits only available to investors participating in the Ark Vault daily ROI contract.

This ensures outside capital cannot take advantage of the revenue generated by fees in the ecosystem.

  • A wallet can only hold one Legacy NFT.
  • Once an Ark Vault account is using a Legacy NFT, it cannot be transferred to another wallet until max payout of 80,000 $ARK tokens is reached.

Legacy NFTs can be minted using BUSD to benefit from higher levels of syndicate rewards, ecosystem rewards and raise the account CWR limit. Legacy NFTs also have other use cases listed below.

Use Cases

  • Unlock syndicate reward levels: BUSD is used to mint Legacy NFTs to unlock syndicate reward levels. Upon minting the NFT, BUSD is sent to a rewards pool and the Ark Treasury Reserve
  • Raise the wallet CWR limit from 1.5 up to 13.0: Legacy NFTs raise the compounding limit and allow investors to speed up the growth of their Principal Balance.
  • Earn ecosystem rewards: Legacy NFT holders earn a percentage of the fees from the ecosystem (based on their position in the Legacy NFT pool).
  • Membership in the Ark DAO: Holders of Legacy NFTs gain access to the Ark DAO, a governance organization for the ecosystem where they can vote on ecosystem changes, suggest new projects and introduce investment opportunities.

NFTs can be upgraded to a higher level by trading in your current NFT and depositing additional BUSD.

  • Silver upgrade to Gold: Trade in Silver NFT + 3,000 BUSD
  • Gold upgrade to Platinum: Trade in Gold NFT + 6,000 BUSD

Once an Ark Vault account has reached max payout, the Legacy NFT can be transferred to a new Ark Vault account and continue receiving ecosystem rewards. In the near future, Legacy NFTs will be tradable on a native marketplace.

Legacy NFT Tax and Rewards Flow

Syndicate Rewards

Earn rewards for referring others and accelerate the ROI of your Ark Vault account.

An Ark team is known as a “Syndicate” and team-building is encouraged by rewarding leaders with both direct and indirect referral rewards.

Rewards are paid directly into the account Principal Balance and added to your NDV balance to help maintain a 2% daily ROI.


  • 5% of all deposits from direct referrals (level 1) get paid to direct upline
  • If the direct upline doesn’t qualify for referral rewards, the 5% goes to the Ark Vault
  • 5% of compounds enter a Round Robin system, paying 15 levels upline before resetting
    - Disqualified levels are skipped
    - The Guardian Wallet is the highest occupied level
    - Unoccupied levels above the Guardian Wallet forfeit the 5% to the Guardian Wallet

Below are the USD values of BOND or Legacy NFT needed to access deeper levels of rewards from your Syndicate.

Syndicate Reward Levels

Reward Throttling

Daily reward emission rates can be reduced based on investor behavior.

Net Deposit Value (NDV)

To receive 2% daily rewards on your principal balance, the account must have a positive Net Deposit Value (NDV).

NDV = (Post Tax Deposits + Direct/Indirect Referral Rewards) — Post Tax Withdrawals

  • If the result is POSITIVE, you will receive 2% daily.
  • If the result is NEGATIVE, you will receive 1% daily.

By purchasing a Legacy NFT, a holder can compound more aggressively and withdraw less often, maintaining a higher NDV.

The NDV calculation incentivizes positive actions and continuous promotion of the system to generate direct referral rewards from new investor deposits.

24 Hour Reward Timer

To distribute payouts more evenly, rewards are made available across a 24-hour time period. After the initial deposit, the 24-hour reward timer will start.


The 24 hour reward timer will only restart by compounding, withdrawing or air dropping. all of the available rewards.

Pump & Dump Throttling

To stabilize the Ark Vault and token price, investors are encouraged to follow a balanced approach to compounding, withdrawing and selling.

Compound/Withdraw Ratio (CWR)

Excessive actions are discouraged by setting compounding and withdrawal limits. This helps lessen sell pressure when max payout is approached.

While your principal balance is less than 27,586 tokens (80,000/2.9), the contract will monitor the level of your compound and withdraw actions on a 14-day rolling average.

For new accounts, the CWR starts at 1.0 after the initial deposit is made:

  • CWR of 1.0 = 7 days of compounds/7 days of withdrawals

CWR Lower Limit = 0.75

  • If your CWR falls below 0.75 (lower limit), your daily reward will drop to 0.5% and remain there for perpetuity and cannot be recovered.

CWR Upper Limit = 1.5

Unless you hold a Legacy NFT, your CWR cannot exceed 1.5 (upper limit). If the upper limit is exceeded, compounds are suspended until a withdrawal or airdrop is performed.

CWR for various Compound and Withdrawal Schedules

Dump Tax

  • To prevent $ARK tokens from being dumped on the market and to encourage holders to deposit them into the Ark Vault, $ARK tokens held in wallets that have zero deposits in the Ark Vault will have an additional 50% sales tax (63% total sales tax).

$ARK Sell Cap

  • To reduce price volatility and stress on the Liquidity Controller, every wallet is limited to one sell every 24 hours AND each sell cannot exceed 200 $ARK tokens.

Users are encouraged to sell early and often. It’s better for the system and provides a more stable passive income throughout the life cycle of an Ark Vault account.

Sustainable Taxation

A sustainable tax system has been developed to maintain rewards and incentivize growth.


  • A portion of all $ARK transactions go to the Ark Vault to maintain the daily rewards.
  • A portion of fresh deposits (5%) and compounds (5%) go to upline and round robin referrals to reward those promoting Ark to new investors.
  • 1.5% of buy and sell transactions go to the Legacy NFT rewards pool.
  • 5% of buy and sell transactions go to the Ark Treasury to support ecosystem growth.

Whale Tax

  • Once “Paid Out” has reached 8000 tokens, an additional 5% tax is applied to compounds, withdrawals and airdrops. The tax increases by increments of 5% for every 8000 tokens added to the total payout, reaching 55% for payouts between 72,000 and 80,000 tokens.
  • 100% of the incremental “whale” tax is sent to the Ark Vault.

Price Stability

Several incentives and mechanisms are used to reduce price volatility.

The primary use case for the $ARK token is to provide a steady passive income from the daily ROI.

Price stability is critical to the healthy growth of the platform and speculative buying and selling is discouraged by way of tax penalties.

Wild swings in the price can create uncertainty and negative sentiment in the market, which deter new investors from entering the project and instigate community sell-offs.

The system is designed to build a price floor, raise the price floor over time and prevent extreme price volatility.

A Liquidity Controller will be used for arbitrage and buy-back opportunities.



How to start on ARK?

Quick Start Guide

Skip the learning and start earning.

1. Connect

  • Connect a MetaMask or other supported Web3 wallet to the Ark dApp website:

2. Swap

3. Deposit


  • Deposit your $ARK into the Ark Vault daily ROI contract to start earning rewards.
  • Deposited $ARK are locked and can only be earned back as rewards at an initial rate of 2% every 24 hours.

4. Withdraw

  • The Ark Vault is a “pay yourself first” platform. When rewards are available, hit the “Withdraw” button and they will be transferred to your wallet.

5. Compound

  • Compound available rewards to increase your principal balance and increase your max payout. The more you compound, the greater your rewards become until you reach a maximum payout of 80,000 $ARK.

6. Get Referrals

  • Earn 5% on all deposits from other investors you refer to the Ark Vault using your referral link. By earning referral rewards and making frequent deposits, your Net Deposit Value will remain positive longer, maintaining the 2% daily rewards.

NOTE: The amount Deposited is NOT withdrawable. In exchange, you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/compounded, or claimed.

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OTHER FAVORITE PROJECTS: Furio, Drip and Elephant Money

What is Furio?

Furio is the last super hot ROI dApp on BSC.
Similar to Drip and Piston, but coded from scratch and amazing new features:

  • Up to 2.5% daily rewards on your locked deposit!
  • Rewards good players (and penalizes bad ones) by increasing their rewards depending on their compound/claim habits
  • Anti-dump and whales taxes. Penalizes those that sell tokens without having deposited or those selling more than 25% of their deposit with heavy taxes
  • Lots of perks to those players that are able to keep their wallet at Max rewards (2.5% Club)
  • Stop accumulating after 24h from last action to incentivize participation
  • Autocompound feature, leave it and relax!
  • In addition to the dApp ROI, Furio has already established a host of new parts in its ecosystem that will drive external revenue and support $FUR liquidity even further:
    - FurPool: USDC liquidity pool currently paying around 150% APR
    - FurBot: NFTs that share a trading fund and provide EXTERNAL monthly income while supporting other parts of the protocol
    - FurBet: Crypto Casino Revenue Share Tokens, which is the latest game to launch
    - NFT Marketplace: Sell and purchase NFTs from the ecosystem whose taxes will support everything

How to start on Furio?:

  • Go to, Launch the App if needed
  • Go to FurSwap in the Menu (the 3 lines on top on phone view) and exchange USDC for FUR. (10% Tax)
  • Make sure you do input a referrer not to miss out on a 25% kickback in each deposit or compound!
  • If the “Send directly to the Vault” box is ticked, you can add your referrer then.
    Consider adding my wallet:
  • Or to FurVault, and enter a Referrer address
  • Deposit your FUR (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)
  • Compound/claim following your strategy and enjoy! (Set autocompound if available)

NOTE: Your deposit is LOCKED and CANNOT be withdrawn, EVER. You can ONLY claim or compound your daily interests on it.

What is DRIP?

DRIP is a project that is able to provide passive income through smart contracts in Defi. It was created on the Binance Smart Chain, and the DRIP Token can be bought with BEP20 BNB.

The bedrock of DRIP is the feature of paying 1% on your investment per day. You can either pull that amount out, and receive your 1% return of the DRIP token per day, or you can “Hydrate” or recompound your earnings and compound the 1% against the new amount. By Hydrating you start to see the 3678% APYs by the end of the year (fees excluded for simplicity).

Come to, check out the DRIP passive investment, and join the Cryptozoa Team!

How to start on Drip?:

  • Go to, and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  • Go to the Faucet, and enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding my wallet:
  • Deposit at least 1.12 DRIP (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)

You’re setup on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily! But, do come back regularly to hit that hydrate/recompound button!

NOTE: The amount Deposited is not withdrawable. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/compounded, or claimed.

What is Elephant Money?

Elephant Money is a low risk, high return crypto project with 3 investment options:

  • Stampede Bonds using the Trunk hybrid stablecoin returning 0.56% daily. (adjusted now until repeg)
  • Elephant token for price appreciation. (1,908% in 1 year)
  • Trunk Staking for a variable percentage (currently 66.170% APR).
  • Raffles for a big price everyday by buying ELEPHANT or minting, depositing or rolling in stampede TRUNK on the site.

If interested, please go to: Feel free to use my Elephant Partner ID: 0xd49B0e3ed595f6371741dc9B20F5C9cb6fAC44b8

How to start on Elephant Money?:

You have 2 options with your TRUNK:

  • Stake it at the top of that same page for a lower APY and being able to claim it anytime
  • Or Bond it to Stampede for a higher APY, below staking, remember to introduce in “Partner” in the box on the right a referral for your Herd
    Consider using mine here:
  • Now you can come back as often as you wish and ROLL (Compound) your TRUNK investments to further multiply your rewards

Take a look at
us in the Cryptozoa Telegram Gateway.
Tell the admins that
HomeFree sent you.

In this community, we friendly talk about all these projects that we think have the potential of being good investments and we support each other on our journeys.
Once inside, you can look for me or ask anyone!
Enjoy the group, it offers various ways of generating passive income, chat groups and other tools.

You can join some of the projects I have invested into:

  • DRIP using the link or copy/pasting my Buddy address:
  • FURIO, make sure you have introduced the referrer’s address BEFORE depositing to the Vault: 0xE6d1E24b5381f8847163DC92C47CbbDA5B41BA7C
  • ELEPHANT.Money You can use my referral in:
    Stampede > HERD > Partner:
  • ARK Fi, purchase $ARK and deposit setting a referrer to enter a Syndicate:
  • PISTON Race with the link or my address into Pit Crew:
  • Animal Farm where you can also access with my referral:
  • BANKX, sacrifice with my address:

Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links.

