Spiritual Growth Is Not Easy — and It Shouldn’t Be

Photo by Daniel Jiménez on Unsplash

I received a question the other day asking me why the majority of humanity has failed to evolve into happy, joyous, and enlightened lives — like Jesus and Buddha.

I wish joy and enlightenment were easy. But they aren’t. Not for us — neither for Jesus nor Buddha.

Luckily, living in joy is good enough of a thing to make all this hard work worth it.

We are here to expand and grow. Yet, we are divine souls in a human body, which creates our own inner struggle and duality. The part of us that is bonded to the animal kingdom wants to let things be. Be cozy, play safe, and always go with the flow. Excessive energy waste is only for when absolutely crucial for our survival.

Yet, our eternal soul, with a fire burning in our hearts, knows we can go much beyond, on and on.

The soul is filled with willpower. Unfortunately, the more we over-identify ourselves with our earthly-bond being, the hardest it is to access that fire.

We want to grow, to live more joyfully, and free — and yet, it is so cozy and safe not to. It is so easy to stay where we are — despite the repeated patterns, frustrations, and pains. And so we do our best to shut down the inner whisper saying “there’s more to life



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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