The 100 Images Guidelines

Here’s what you need to know to get published in The 100 Images

Bill Adler
The 100 Images


Image public domain.

Welcome to the guidelines for The 100 Images. We’re excited you’re here and looking forward to reading your stories. Please read the article about The 100 Images, which explains this publication in detail. Here’s the quick and dirty on what you need to know:

  1. Your story needs to be about the most recently prompted photograph. You must include the image number as one of the tags in your story.
  2. Once an image is posted, that means submissions for any previous images are closed.
  3. Images are not allowed in any stories.
  4. No subtitles or kickers allowed.
  5. One submission per writer, per image.
  6. There’s no minimum or maximum length, but your story must be fiction.
  7. We’re looking for polished stories that make us jump up and down and say, “Wow!” The writing and editing are in your court. Submissions will simply get a thumbs up or thumbs down.
  8. Leave a comment here if you’d like to be added as a writer.



Bill Adler
The 100 Images

An American writer in Japan, editor of The Binge-Watching Cure books, author of the bestselling book, Outwitting Squirrels. Occasional pilot, 24/7 cat owner.