What To Expect When You Find Your “Passion” and Start Earning From It

It’s not a single step, it’s a long journey

Anangsha Alammyan
Published in
7 min readAug 4, 2021


Anangsha Alammyan on Instagram

I often think about some words the self-help industry keeps on regurgitating: passion, life’s purpose, hobby.

What is the difference between the three?

Can every person make money from their passion? Or are only a select few privileged enough to turn their dreams into reality? What about those who haven’t found their “passion” yet?

I also wonder a lot about the process of turning your passion into an income stream: is it different for everyone or are there some distinct steps every person can apply?

What follows is an opinion piece based on my experience. I’ve been writing all my life. My first poem was published when I was only four years old. But only in my late 20s, did I find a way to turn my passion into a sustainable income source.

The post distinguishes passion from hobby and lays out some steps to convert your passion into money. It also raises an important question: does a person find their passion only once or is the search for meaning a lifelong quest?

“Passion” vs “Hobby”

If you’re frustrated with how causally the self-help gurus throw the word “passion”…

