It’s straightforwardness, not rudeness — Israelis hacks to implement

In this note, I mention the most striking ‘feature’ of Israelis, that I wish me and more people would implement. Wider application of this ‘feature’ can save time and confusedness.

Marta Pyznarska
2 min readDec 18, 2013


‘- Shalom. — Shalom. — Ok, so why did you come to Israel?’

I spent 10 days in Tel Aviv in order to look for clients for a Software House. It was the main goal. The second was to explore the Tech and Startup community down there and try to understand how Israelis are and what makes them so succesfull as a nation in high tech. Third objective was to sow awardness of Polish IT down there.

Go straight to the point. Don’t waste time.

After an email intro, I’m on the phone, trying to schedule a meeting with an important man. I explain who we are and what is the objective of our visit to Israel. That’s not how it should roll. I hear a direct question

“Ok, but what is the objective of meeting you and me”

After few similar situations, I start to really think before every meeting. I plan: ‘What do I want to get from it?’ and ‘Is there anything I can do for this person myself’ (ok, I still often forget about preparing the second part and improvise during the meeting). It’s not a revelation that being prepared pays off, but always thinking of the objective is a new hack for me. I think how I would title the calendar invite. That’s all.

‘What do u want from me? Three sentences. It’s simple. Get rid of all this European bugs in your heads.’

Don’t waste time. Don’t play games nor politics explaining the complicated context. Say the objective. Go straight to the point. You mean it, you say it. Don’t be affraid of being taken as a offensive or rude person.

Our Airbnb host shows us the appartment. Before he leavs, he says

‘I’m 24/7 at your service. You need anything, you WhatsUp me. I’m like this because I want you to write a nice recomendation at Airbnb and tell your friends about me and my place.’

No games. He explains his objective. He is of course nice as a person and don’t do it just because he wants the good recommendation. But I know his bussines, don’t have to assume anything. Simple? Simple.

‘I want to take you to Jerusalem by my car on Thursday and show you around. We’ll share costs. Do you want to go?’

No unsaid things, very comfortable for both sides.


There is so much other lessons we leared, down there. I hope to write them down in some next posts for own record. Maybe it comes handy not only for me.

Btw, great explanation of this feature comes in this Quora’s question.

