Sadhguru’s Overly Simplified Rules For A Balanced Life

Four life lessons from an Indian mystic.

5 min readJun 9, 2022
Photograph of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (Sadhguru) via wikipedia commons

By Destiny Femi

The quality of our lives boils down to this: the nature of our relationship with ourselves and those around us.

We want to be happy and loved. We want our lives to mean something to someone else too. We are constantly taking action and moving toward people we think will make our lives better.

The goal itself is simple but the players (you and others) aren’t. People can be quite erratic. We, on the other hand, are constantly making wrong assumptions about what we need to be happy.

We create conditions here and there, and without realizing it, we’ve become so complex we don’t understand ourselves let alone others.

Here are four life-transforming words of wisdom from the Indian mystic, Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev), that reveals simple steps we can take to live a more pleasant life.

The best way to live

“Only when your attention and involvement is indiscriminate does life open up to you.” — Sadhguru

Here’s one of the major problems facing the world today is that so many people think they are good.




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