Moeda will commemorate Chinese New Year. And you should too.

maria claudia brigido
Moeda Seeds
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2019

Moeda launches unprecedented products on February 5.

One of the most popular traditions of the Chinese New Year is the hong bao. These are red envelopes packed with bills or coins that are gifted to friends and family. This is, after all, the time when you want prosperity and plan investments for the year. In 2019, Moeda will mark the date. But why?

The vast majority of investors who supported and believed in Moeda since the ICO are Chinese . Despite our map having pinpoints throughout the world, that’s where they are centered. They are generally young people who are already more familiar with the world of blockchain and crypto-currencies. It is they who are helping to spread the Moeda’s proposal and our Seed Projects throughout Asia.

On top of that, our CEO has just returned from China with her luggage teeming with opportunities. She built contacts and partnerships, and identified opportunities for a technology exchange and business activities. The trend now is to intensify our relations with the country, taking items, for example, that are co-produced with Brazilian cooperatives to be sold over there. The proximity is such that we’ve already chosen a really special place to be Moeda’s headquarters in Beijing.

You can see that China is a vital market for us. So, there’s nothing more natural than celebrating this significant festival along with our supporters. Our team is already in full swing preparing our red envelope with a lot of gifts that translate into prosperity.

February 5th will be a milestone for us. We will introduce innovative launches and make it even easier to support our Seed Projects. We will increasingly reduce the number of clicks required for the people to support family entrepreneurs that apply the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Let’s make it even clearer that the return from a traditional bank can be received and, at the same time, contribute concretely towards a fairer world.

We hope you will all join us on our social networks to see what’s new, get your red envelopes and humanize finances to distribute impact. A Prosperous Lunar Year to all of us.

