I Found Family I Didn’t Know Existed on Facebook

Social media continues to bring me joy almost every day

Edwina Owens Elliott
Published in
7 min read3 days ago


Room 204. Parkside Elementary School. Early 60s. Chicago, IL.

The other night, I was doing my usual after-dinner thing, watching TV and hanging out on my iPad. I like to bounce around on social media between Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and play Spades and the GardenScapes game.

On Facebook, there’s a response to a response I’d posted earlier on the Jazz Lives in South Shore page. That’s a group out of Chicago, my hometown.

The response is from a woman named Velda. After agreeing with what I’d written, she then adds — “on another note, I knew an Edwina in school and you sort of look like her. Did you attend Parkside Elementary?”–

I certainly did.

After some back-and-forth, Velda and I discovered we were classmates in the third grade!

I still have our class photo — my mother threw nothing away — and Velda sends a friend request asking me to post it. Knowing exactly where it is in my photo collection, I find the class pic, shoot it, accept her friend request, and post it on her page.

I can almost hear her happy squealing all the way down here in Atlanta. Her thank you post is genuine and truly heartfelt. Seeing all of those fresh little faces again after all these years…



Edwina Owens Elliott

Illustrator, graphic designer, indie author. A creature of habit but our evolution continues.