Weekly Report: One day with…

Bitcomo Affiliate Ad Network
2 min readJul 27, 2018


Hey there! We decided to make a little trial-trip with the Weekly Report article format, and we’re here to represent you our first “One day with…” column.

The hero of the week is Tuan Anh Nguyen. So let’s discover the Friday Men’s World with our Affiliate Manager, because affiliates are also important, the same as advertisers are! :)

The day in Bitcomo starts with a cup of favorite tea and checking of emails. Affiliate managers try to stay in touch with the publishers all day long, that’s why the parsing of incoming messages is our morning priority.

After that everyone prepares his weekly report for the afternoon’s meeting.
“I’m gathering all the contacts and deals’ details to give some statistics to the team. We discuss all the aspects, share the thoughts and set up the future goals. It’s the real brainstorm! And of course, in a friendly atmosphere could be born really great ideas and unexpectable decisions for the business!” © Tuan Anh

Next step is closing the deals of the week! Affiliate managers check all the statistics data and manage the affiliates payments requests. The open dialogue between publisher and his manager is the way to better results. We know that if you work with Anh, you have a weekly consulting depends not only on the internal campaigns’ results but on your full website’s statistics.

For new affiliates, it’s okay to be shortly tested by Anh! He has some list of important questions and webmaster needs to give the full answers before the activation. We work only with crypto-related traffic, and we need to verify it!

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Stay tuned! And we’ll show you our Ad Network World!
Bitcomo Team

