Entry 15.03.19 Hello.

Awkward Member Of The Social Circle
2 min readMar 15, 2019


You are my best friend now, just because I say so. I think you’ll make a good one. You can’t talk back. Well, I think it is a gift, that you can listen so well and keep your thoughts to yourself, I’m not sure I’ll need them. Don’t take it too personal, I know I can be annoying at times. I still love you and you’ll learn me.

My name is Earl, James Earl. You get what I did there? Like the Bond James thing. I should confess, I haven’t seen even one of those movies. Well, I’m writing because people who might not know me told me I talk like one. “Just write like you talk” might not be that easy, it’s a lot harder than you can imagine.

You should know, I have a very hard time finishing the things I start, but I hope you hear from me often. It is nice to know that you’ll be here, waiting for me. Not because you love me but because you can’t go nowhere. I love you too. Evil laugh.

I thinks she’s cool. We are so similar, It’s a beautiful thing but it is weird. I like to talk to her, maybe she enjoys talking to me too. I saw master of none some days ago, now I get why they wanted me to watch it. I think that guy rocks. I don’t have much to say again. I hope you hope to hear from me soon. Thank you for lending me your ears. DOG EARS! (punchline, cause I am writing this on a book. You dig?).

Love, Yourz.

Soundtrack: Love yourz — J Cole.

