Looking back (An annual review — 2015) -Part 2

This is the part two of my Looking back (An annual review — 2015) post. Check out the first part here.

Himanshu Sachdeva
Lifestyle Architecture Lab
6 min readApr 20, 2016


Picture Courtesy — Michal Parzuchowski [Stocksnap.io]

What didn’t go so well this year?

  1. Writing

2015 was not a good year from writing perspective, I published just 8 posts on my Blog. Though I worked on many creative things like photo journalism and photography itself. Also a few random writing pieces. But i couldn’t publish because they were way too private for a public blog.

So it was not a fulfilling year for writing, even though it was one of the most amazing years of my life in many other ways.

In 2016, I’ll try to work more on it. I have promised myself to publish at least 2 posts every month so eventually i should write 24 pieces (at least!). But ‘my’ experience with writing has been like — You don’t write, It comes to you. Meaning, words find their way out just when it’s the right time. You are just a medium for the universe. But as i said, it’s just ‘my’ experience, I’m not generalizing this condition.

2. Entrepreneurial efforts


Even though this year 2015 was better than the last one. But still, it wasn’t as fulfilling as I wanted it to be. With my efforts and some luck, things started to stir in the right direction. In 2016, I’ll look forward for more movement here. Just to mention, In 2015, almost 2 quarters I didn’t anything about starting up something. In the 3rd quarter i did and put many efforts to give shape to two of my entrepreneurial acts. One failed badly, the other one also didn’t make much of a fuss, but still it was not as bad failure as the first one.

I learned a lot from these two failures in 2015 and I’m looking forward to 2016 to make corrections there and start over again. This time with more insight and appropriate help*.

3. Finance


In my last year’s Annual Review, I wrote about the journey to the private island (of course it was delusional then). But yes, this year the travel bug has really bit me and to fund my travels i need strong finances. Not only travels; family, routines, lifestyle, businesses; all of it requires money. Personal finances matter. I always care about the personal finances and want to see it grow in an appropriate manner. As I’ve mentioned many times, I’m not one of the kinds who runs after money. But boy! you require money for everything, unless you are not living in the stone age where a good meal costs just few hours of effort to get some fruits down from a tree or chase down a meaty bounty. Yes you need money in this era of human race.

So this year, I’ve done good in the investment part, cut down some loose ends and tried to make some good calls which are now starting to turn into meaningful values. Even though, the private island is still far, but at least now it’s not a hallucination.

4. Guitar


Man!! 2015 was far from good for my guitar. I didn’t even take it out of the case the whole year except for one or two instances that too not to play but to clean it and put back in the case. I don’t know if I’ll do any good with it in 2016 as well. Because practicing guitar requires great amount of time, actually everything requires time if you wanna be good at it. However, I’m putting most of my time into my more priority passions, like running, traveling, reading and writing etc. But i shall try my best to give it a go again in 2016.

If i don’t in this new year, I’ll definitely give it away to someone who really needs it and will be able to do justice to it. Only time will tell.

3rd and final part coming in couple of days — To Be Continued…

Thanks for reading.


P.S. Feel free to use my annual review as a template for your own.

A Quote I’m pondering on lately –

“Others inspire us, information feeds us, practice improves our performance, but we need quiet time to figure things out.”

Ester Schaler Buchholz


I thought i should share an insight about taking help. So here it is as a footnote.

You know, what’s the biggest mistake entrepreneurs like me make? Being too shy or fearful to ask for help or take help of any sorts. Well, i know now, cause i did that mistake and now I’ve enough credentials to make a comment on that.

Why? Because most of us are either too shy to ask for help but mainly the reason is also fear. Fear of exposing your idea or business secret to unwanted people. That’s why we don’t want to take help. But trust me you cannot do everything by yourself.

If you are an artist, you know how to make art. But well, you might not be good enough in exhibiting it or eventually exposing your art to good selling opportunities. Even though many artists don’t create just to sell. But most of them do. Why? Because everybody has to make living out of what they spend their most time on. If you are an athlete, you know how to give your 100%, you know how to dedicate yourself. But if you don’t take help of a good coach, how your technique will become right? If your technique isn’t right, even if you give your 100%, it won’t assure you the result you wanted. If you are an entrepreneur, you know how to make a product or give a service, but you might not know, how to do accounting, you might not know how to take your product/services to the next level, because you know the idea, but you might know, how to code! You might know be as good on the administration part.

There are a number of professions which have the similar problem, when you attempt to get into them. They require team efforts. They require you to take help. They require expertise on the areas you might not know anything about.

So better take help. I’ve started taking help, even though the road is long but it’s looking beautiful ahead and I’m looking forward to enjoy every moment of the journey.

I’ll write another post soon and tag it here, on how to take help/assistance from accredited entities or professional while being at peace that your idea or business won’t be at risk. Keep tuned in and subscribe, if you haven’t already.

My Annual Review Archives:

Click here to access the list of all my Annual Reviews.

Special note: Thanks to James Clear for inspiring me to start writing these Annual Review posts and hold myself accountable publicly on my reflections of each past year.

If you enjoyed this article, please click that little green heart below. It would be Awesome.

You can also read this. It’s the part 1 of my annual life review for this year 2015.

Thanks for reading — I’m Himanshu Sachdeva. I’m a writer, blogger, creative & Technology Evangelist. Since 2012, I’m helping people make good lifestyle choices and design a lifestyle of freedom. You can contact me for writing collaboration or for a conversation on your podcast. Will look forward to hear from you!

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Originally published at www.himanshusachdeva.com on April 20, 2016.

