“It’s the policy”

Exactly why living in Singapore is frustrating.

Ken Li
2 min readSep 16, 2013


Last Friday I was at a McDonalds somewhere in Singapore ordering a McChicken meal. This happened:

”May I have some tartar sauce for the fries?”

”Sorry pardon me?”

”You know, the sauce that goes in Filet-O-Fish burger?”

”Oh, sorry we don’t give that out.”

”Even if I pay?”

”Yes sir, sorry it’s the policy.”

I have been in McDonalds in at least 6 different countries across 3 continents and successfully got my goddamn tartar sauce either for free or for a tiny change. Where did this stupid-customer-rejection policy come from and landed itself in Singapore?

Or maybe McDonalds here does have “Don’t give customer tartar sauce.” written somewhere in their employee handbook.

Then last week my wife went for a body checkup. I was supposed to file an medical expense claim but soon found out my company’s insurance only covers health checkup expense for employee.

So I emailed HR. Soon after a reply came back: “It’s the policy.”

This week I was talking to my apartment lease agent, to check if a few things can be worked out before we move out. During that 30 min chat I heard 8 times of basically “nothing can be done because it’s the policy”.

My two years of living in Singapore, the most I would hear as a customer when trying to ask for any slight favor was something along the line “it’s the policy.”

Fuck “it’s the policy.” Fuck “it’s the policy.” again.

The fact that immediately throwing out the “it’s the policy” in any given situation is almost equivalent to saying “go screw yourself, I am not helping you nor am I willing to.”

Why is that?

Because I either don’t care jack shit about your policy or I simply don’t know. By blaming on the policy that I am unfamiliar with you have effectively turned my focus from getting things done to YOU won’t let me get things done.

That’s the problem. The problem why I think it’s frustrating living here.

You see, if it’s really the policy that there’s nothing nobody can do then I am fine. But truth is, in most incidences I was able to solve the problem or at least find a mid-point solution after some persuasion or simply getting another person to help. Well except that McDonalds never gave me my tartar sauce. The point is people; living with unwilling people sucks.

After all we all tend to choose a place to live not because how beautiful or developed the place is, but how enjoyable the people are.

Honestly I am totally fine with a flat “No”. Just try not to pretend this has nothing to do with you and it’s the fucking policy.



Ken Li

Noob in everything. PM @ Pivotal. Loves to take things the non-tech way. @thisiskenfrom85