Personal Project: Cortilia 1° iteration redesign

4 min readMar 7, 2022


Improving UX of the first agricultural online market that links consumers and farmers with the purpose to buy fresh food from the countryside.

🌱 Update: published the 2° iteration results Personal Project: Cortilia 2° iteration redesign

This redesign is the result of a weekend of personal work in response to a personal challenge in finding design solutions that meet people’s needs.

But not only that: at the end of this first iteration I can, during a personal retrospective, affirm that the pursuit of happiness is itself a source of happiness. Despite the (huge amount) of aspects to improve.

So, this case study is not affiliated with or endorsed by Cortilia. The project was my personal initiative, and I will share the process from start to finish in working on this case study. Happy reading everyone :D


Cortilia is the first agricultural online market that links consumers and farmers with the purpose to buy fresh food from the countryside. Through a simple click, Cortilia delivers directly to people’s houses a savory grocery box in their favourite time slot. Source: here.

I’ve met Cortilia during pandemic — it allowed me to give a birthday present at a time when the normalcy of a festive table was difficult.


  • Learn how users are using the app today
  • Identify possible usability and UX issues

Roles assumed in this project

  • User researcher
  • UI/UX designer

User Research

I interviewed 5 users. 3 men 2 women: G.L. 35 single male, F. P. 34 married male with child, G. 35 engaged, A.T. 32 married female with child and O.M.C 38 female.

The types of questions I asked were all open questions aimed to let users describe their experience in their own words. The questions were mainly about why they use the service (what are their motivations and needs), how they use the app (which features do they use) and the context in which they use it (when/where are they, which situation are they in).

The following points summarize my key findings from the interviews:

  1. Motivations
  • All users mentioned sustainability as first driver.
  • Local but digital was a common theme
  • Quality connected to food, relations and environment.
  • Recipe kits were mentioned by 3 participants

2. App features and usage

  • All had a navigation issue
  • 4 out of 5 have difficulty in processing to complete the shopping
  • None of them used labels, tags

3. Context

  • Most users said they used the app once they had a list a shopping list in a quiet space.

Proposed design solutions

The following solution designs incorporate my first answers

Premise — the icons used in this prototype are all to be reviewed. The app uses custom (and very beautiful) icons but that due to the lack of time I have given less priority to these elements — even if I consider it a fundamental point.

A new home screen that introduces:

  1. New top and bottom menu
  2. New navigation menu
  3. Additional feature 1: farmers map
  4. Additional feature 2: seasonality calendar

New top and bottom menu

I created a bottom menu where I reported the actions mainly used by the users interviewed. know where and when they will receive the shopping. Have a shopping list already prepared and possibly look for other goods.

New navigation menu

the changes made to this view concern the use of icons (as is the case today for the website).
By returning the link to the homepage via the central logo I deleted the menu item.

I inserted the famous Cortilia cassettes as the first element (because in the perception of the users they are the distinctive element).

I restored priority to “Offers” and added “news” thinking of removing this label from the product cards.

I eliminated the “tag” item: I thought of inserting this theme within the search function.

I’ll talk about the two new menu items later: “Calendario stagionale” and “Produttori”.

Additional feature 1: “Produttori”

from the interviews the theme of sustainability, local and quality buying appeared as the central part of the reasons that push users to buy from Cortilia.
On this page I imagined displaying a map to approach — and imagine — the farmers who are around the user.

Additional feature 2: seasonality calendar

The seasonal calendar represents a further way to bring users closer to sustainability and obviously seasonality.


The interview gave me a lot of ideas for drawing. In these few screens I have reproduced some proposals that go in the direction of resolving the issues mentioned during the interviews.

It is a starting point… it was just the very 1° iteration ;-)

I stress once again that this case study was born from a personal initiative, to study the product and make the mind and the PC work (even for fun!). I ask for feedback and thank you for reading up to this point.

🌱 Update: published the 2° iteration results Personal Project: Cortilia 2° iteration redesign

