open science platform
powered by the blockchain

4 min readFeb 17, 2019

According to Wikipedia History of science is the study of the history of the development of science and scientific knowledge, including natural sciences and social sciences. (the history of art and humanities is called the history of philology) From the 18th century to the end of the 20th century, the history of science, especially physics and biology, oftenpresented in progressive narratives where the correct theory replaces false beliefs.

Blockchain was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and is a ledger or record of transactions that cannot be changed between participant networks and blockchain technology which can benefit scientific research in various ways.

• Blockchain technology can offer greater efficiency, reliable science, and high quality.

* Blockchain technology improves Science security and security for data Because the blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, there is no single failure point and single access point for malicious hackers

* potentially low-cost transactions.

* Blockchain provides a layer of trust and transparency and far more benefits

In this article I will introduce and talk about () which is a decentralized platform that will revolutionize the world of research bringing new and innovative changes in which every scientist is rewarded for them.

What is the EUREKA project?

EUREKA is an environment where you can share the science or your research data easily. Using the Blockchain platform, the sharing process can be done easily. And, just like what we know about the Blockchain, the system is controlled by no specific party. Therefore, the fairness of sharing data is much better than the system that we can find today.

Currently, many researchers can’t or even afraid to share and publish their research data, because they don’t want it’s stolen by other people. EUREKA system prevents that from happening with the timestamp feature. And, it gives other benefits from the research.

By being able to release and share the data earlier, other researchers in the same field can look at it. Then, they can give an opinion, addition, and even correction. This will help the original owner of that data can perfect their research. When they officially release their research result, the result will be much better.

The reward system is also another benefit you can get from EUREKA platform. This will help the people to involve more in the data review and analysis in order to boost the research speed. Of course, in long term, this will support the invention of a tool or method that can solve many problems in the world. As we all know, the main purpose of scientific research is solving the existing problem.

EUREKA’s REWARD system aims to solve the current problems by allowing:

• Real-time publishing: From the moment of their conception, scientific observations are recorded on the

EUREKA platform as single observations or preprints giving the author or inventor:

~ Immediate ownership rights and instantaneous credit and recognition.

~ Instant feedback from peers.

~ Instant and open sharing with the scientific community.

• Crowdsourced and paid peer review: By using a blockchain based platform we:

~ Make use of both good wisdom and time to get faster and more accurate evaluations

of the work.

~ Ensure the review process is biased and based on merit alone.

~ Enable smart-based payments to compensate authors, reviewers, as well as anyone who

contributes to the advancement (development) of the work for their efforts.

• Immutable, transparent and decentralized publishing: Publishing on the EUREKA platform ensures that

archived data is immutable, timestamped, version controlled, and securely distributed thus providing an ideal

the system for research management is not the publishers or authors.

EUREKA will have the first blockchain-based scientific scoring system, a preprint server and a single observation platform that provides reliable and irreversible data assessments. Assessments can be transferred on the blockchain to funders, institutions and directly to the journal.

The EUREKA Token

EUREKA also provides tokens for its user. And, as we mentioned before, the token is used in the reward system. The token is called EKA. With this token, the reviewer will get a reward in tokens form, so it will improve the review process in the future, which can help the research of the data owner.

Token Information

Token Name: Eureka

Token Ticker: EKA

Token Protocol: ERC-20

Total Supply: 298,607,040 EKA

Token Available for Sales: 149,303,520 EKA

Token Price: $0.10

Soft Cap: $2,000,000

Hard Cap: $14,930,352

Payment Accepted: BTC and ETH

The EUREKA team is from the established open access Swiss science publisher, which will be the first to implement the EUREKA Platform.

Detailed information

Official Website









Whitepaper :Download Now!


By: douglasyukanov


This Article is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to buy or sell Eureka (EKA)
This document must be used for general research purposes only. This is not, nor does it mean, justifying the form of professional investment advice,
independent recommendations or analysis, and should not be considered as a commitment to achieving the goals, and the objectives outlined here, namely with the objectives, objectives and staff subject to change at the discretion of the Eureka (EKA) team at any time. therefore, the information contained in this Article has not been prepared in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations governing such publications in various jurisdictions.

