Leaving No Trace of The Affair Can Save His Heart

I owe it to my husband.

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
Published in
5 min readNov 18, 2020


Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

My cheating will hurt my husband when he discovers it, and I doubt he’d ever forgive me. He is as committed to seeing our marriage through as anyone and wouldn’t stand for me stepping out. So, if he found pictures of me with my lover, it would destroy him.

He deserves better than seeing me in a way he could never forget.

My husband isn’t very technologically inclined. He was the last to get a smartphone, always got the kids to fix the TV for him, and bitches because we have two remotes. The kids once set up the X-box on the main TV and were using the voice commands. If you wanted to override it, you had to press two buttons. Two.

One morning I came down to find him arguing with the X-box. He once sat without it on because he forgot which two buttons to push; I’d shown him a dozen times.

I’m not much better, but at least I try. And I have to. I know the password to his phone, and I used to read them. I still answer them most times if it’s essential.

He wouldn’t have a job without me writing his resumes, applying for jobs, or doing his online tests. There were times when he couldn’t get to an appointment without me reminding him.

