Why Passion Is a Game Changer in Work and in Life

Emily Madill
Thrive Global
Published in
5 min readMar 9, 2017


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How much passion do you have? Do you love your life? What about the people in your life? Do you have a job that is fulfilling? What about hobbies?

We can ask ourselves these kinds of questions as a way of inquiring within for honest answers. Our answers can help us get a clear snapshot of our level of excitement and passion for life.

The truth about passion is that when we have it, we are filled with hope and spirit. When we are passionate about an area of life, we come alive.

When we bring passion into our work and various areas of life, we amplify the level of enjoyment and fulfillment we receive and share with others — passion is contagious.

When I was first starting out as an entrepreneur and writer a decade ago, I was bursting at the seams with passion and possibility. I had a huge dream of helping others through spreading messages of hope and love into the world.

I started by writing and publishing a series of books for children and their families called, The Captain Joe series. The books were based on my son Joe, who was just a baby at the time. I couldn’t be any more passionate about the character or message in the book if I tried. There was no hope of keeping a lid on my enthusiasm and excitement.



Emily Madill
Thrive Global

Author & ICF Certified Coach (ACC)• BA in Business & Psychology.• Thrive Global editor-at-large•Author of 11 books•Coach at BetterUp•WWW.WEEKLYHAPPINESSNOTE.COM