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The Future of Work: A Manifesto

The future of work starts right here, right now.

Maddie Grant
6 min readApr 3, 2013


This manifesto is about the future of work in an emerging ideology of business, where people are at the center of a human ecosystem instead of boxed into a mecha­nical system.

Heard the phrase, “the future is already here—it’s just unevenly distr­ibuted”? We all have the social capital to help fix that.

Let’s talk about the things that human beings bring to the table in a work envir­onment. Let’s leverage our human attri­butes and make people and all of their whole selves the fuel that makes organ­izations and busin­esses grow and flourish. Let’s unleash our power as networked indiv­iduals. Let’s make Dilbert cartoons and The Office something we can enjoy as the relics of a past indus­trial, mecha­nical age. Let’s stop work from sucking. Let’s empower ourselves and each other to make our lives, and thereby our societies, better.

Some truths we wish to be self-­evident:

  • Work matters. We want work to suck less—for everyone, not just the few lucky ones.
  • The disti­nction between “work” and “life” is artif­icial and a barrier to lever­aging both the power of the indiv­idual and that of the organ­ization.
  • Work is the expending of effort for the creation of value

