AN ICO _ The Launch

Asteroid, Ltd.
4 min readJan 27, 2018


It’s T-Minus 96 hours and counting.

There is good news to be sure… over 4.3 million ASTRcoins® have been distributed to many loyal groups. There are almost 200,000 followers on Facebook and 10’s of thousands members in the Asteroid Society and other social media. Several media outlets have expressed interest in doing special stories on the most unique and functional use of the blockchain, called a BlockClaim®.

Soon several exchanges will be engaged. Hence, the ASTRcoin® will be listed in the next several weeks. All contributors will see several marketplaces open to us soon.

All exciting news, as we press on to the full realization of democratizing Space for humankind. Sometimes these words elude us or seem as “puffery” or some futuristic adventure where only a chosen few will be able to avail themselves. But, truly and honestly, those of us who catch but a small glimpse of the adventure that awaits us and our children and their children will be thanked and rewarded for our insight and forward thoughtfulness. Certainly, there are “times” when simple action begets tremendous rewards. The A-team firmly believes that this is such a “time” and these technologies, these societal upheavals and these financial changes will provide a better more consistent and equitable way for the many and most to enjoy the benefit of this exciting exploration.

There will be naysayers, who would bring us forebodings of the dangers of exploring Space, of making our claim to what is ours, to saying this should be under the control of those among us who are better suited to decide for us what is best. Often, we find that these self-same voices have an active and substantial role in the financial outcome of such subterfuge. The concept of “crypto” was, and remains to be, a place where the many and the most make their voice heard in the commercial streets, in the banking alleys and on the world scene.

Gladly, the voice is becoming a clarion call to a decentralized open forum where each person may and will interact with others; without the constraint of forces that would hold prisoner our money and our freedom under the guise of outdated regulations that have only allowed the top 1% absolute control of the wealth of the world.

Can a such simple system make it possible for the many and most to become millionaires and even billionaires? This can and must happen, in a safe and open democratized opportunity, through the simple decentralized “claiming” of what has been clearly defined as ours buy the nations of the world, by the sovereignty and the elite many years ago. Of course, they decreed these words before they realized how vast the wealth is in Space. They did not and could not know how their actions would eventuate in a better and consistent distribution of this untold wealth now within our grasp.

Of course, many of us will not be a part of the direct retrieval of the wealth of Space in our near celestial orbit, but there will be a direct benefit to us and our posterity if we but make our “claim” and receive our royalty of what has been provided to us. Many of our children and grandchildren will be part of the adventure that is now being set before us as they explore the vastness and the beauty of this new frontier.

These may be perceived as high sounding words, but yet are they not true? Will someone do these things? Are we not at this crossroad now? Is the newest technology that makes open distributed ledgers, decentralized and publicly available to all humankind, the point of contact, whereby each one of us attributes to themselves that which has been been clearly identified as our own. We have but a simple responsibility. To claim that which is ours. Our proposal is simple and true. If, you and I do not claim our right to the wealth in our near celestial orbit, then the tragic result will be the elite and wealthy, the sovereignty and the powerful will take for themselves what is inherently ours. We all know, as history shows, the many times they have done this before. We sit with the ability, the technology, the will and the audacity to make these claims now and in the future. This wealth is like non-other, it is vast, beyond our comprehension to be clear, yet it remains ours. Even if we do not understand the totality of the potential it remains true.

Help us to make our mark, and yours as well. A simple Blockclaim® can and will make a difference in both a financial and societal sense, as we begin to move from the Information Age to the Value Age,bringing each of us together to make a more secure and equitable world and even those new worlds beyond.

Join us in our quest.

Now is the time, for now is all we have…

Warm Regards,

The A-team

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