Brass Golem Beta 0.18.3

Golem Project
The Golem Project
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2018
We worked hard all year round, so Igor now gets to have some fun.

We’re here with the last update to Brass Golem Beta this year — 0.18.3 — which, coincidentally, might be the last update to our current production branch before we move on to start preparing our next major release — 0.19 — which will be introduced early next year.

Today’s release is a minor patch featuring a small fix to the error handling during load of previously-executed tasks, a fix for golemcli to lower the required privileges of the CLI interface and finally a small update to our statistics tracking that will allow us to gather better statistics about the GPU support among the provider nodes.

The full changelog is as always available in our official GitHub repository, alongside the details and troubleshooting information. Should you encounter issues, don’t hesitate to contact us through our Rocket channel, reddit or e-mail at Your continuous feedback and opinions do matter and indeed help make Golem stronger, better and more efficient.

Additionally, we have deployed today the new stats page. Check it out here.

And last but not the least, Happy Holidays and all the best in the upcoming year, everyone!

Upgrading to Brass Golem Beta 0.18.3

You can find detailed information here:


Upgrading from the earlier 0.18.x is very straightforward — just type commands below to update Golem:

brew updatebrew upgrade golem

With those simple steps in place, you should be running the latest release of Golem for macOS.

Upgrading from 0.17.x and earlier

However, if you’re perchance upgrading from versions prior to 0.18.x, be aware that Brass Golem Beta 0.18+ uses Docker for Mac. Because of that, the first step while updating from versions earlier than 0.18.0 is to make sure that all previous Docker instances are removed from your machine. Open Terminal and type:

docker-machine rm golembrew uninstall — ignore-dependencies docker docker-machine docker-machine-driver-xhyve

Afterwards, just update Golem normally, using the instructions for 0.18.x above.

Important! Before you run Golem make sure to be running Docker for Mac:

cmd + space bar, type Docker and hit enter.

Confirm that Docker is running properly. If you encounter any issues with Docker for Mac please follow instructions on Docker for Mac github.


Download the Linux installation script. In terminal, run:

chmod +x && ./


Download and execute the installer from here.

If any errors occur during any process, please let us know in the testers channel at or write an email to (make sure to include “Error” in the subject field so we can catch it quickly).



Golem Project
The Golem Project

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