
How “Malicious Mothers” Destroy Their Kids Childhoods

The world needs fathers too.

Published in
7 min readAug 31, 2021


My friend has been recently through a divorce. He has two children. It was supposed to be a “humane” divorce, but somehow after the breakup, his ex started creating drama and became unnecessary hostile towards him.

I knew they had a lot of issues when they were together, she was one of those women who wished to have him on the “leash”. I remember how she used to phone frequently during the day to “check up” on him. We used to work together.

After work, we used to drink together, and he would tell me how unhappy he was.

He was loyal to her. He is a good father. He always put her needs before his.

Somehow it was never enough for her.

He lived under her “regime” for 7 years. She pressured him into moving in with her family. Her family, then too, started dictating him what to do. He became depressed, gained significant weight and nearly every night drank wine.

One day, he found his voice and stood up to her father. He disagreed on the topic of their children. Little did he realize, that he triggered something inside of him — self-respect. His wife and her family didn’t like that one bit, so they told him to leave and so he…




Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!