Google dorks for growth hackers

Rahul Lakhaney
4 min readDec 15, 2018


A comprehensive guide on google docs for growth hackers 🔥

A Google dork is a search string that uses Google’s custom search operators to filter down search results. When used creatively, these filters can return information that wasn’t meant to be found. Exploiting Google dorks is known as Google dorking or Google hacking.

Personally, I use Google dorks for a lot for multiple reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Finding contact information for top influencers
  • Creating a list of 10,000+ PR contacts
  • Building a huge database of 5,000 PR contacts
  • Finding cold emailing and cold calling scripts used by the top people in any niche
  • Spying on how my competitors are running their business.

All of this and much more for $0.

You can search Google for strings that are optimized to return sensitive documents…

Like contact lists, potential leads & more.

A lot of these documents probably shouldn’t have been on Google.

Here’s how you can put google dorks together yourself:


You can filter your search with Google Operators.

An operator is a short string that tells Google which results you want to remove…

And which you want to show more of.

Here are some of the most popular search operators. (See the full list here.)

OR: A logical OR: tesla OR edison
“Search Term”: Search for an exact match: "tallest building"
- : Exclude words from your search : jaguar speed -car
+ : Search for a synonym : +California
info: Get details about a site :
site: Search within a specific website :
filetype: Target a specific extension : filetype:pdf
intitle: Search for a phrase in the title : intitle: "tesla vs edison"

Include these in your google searches to filter down the results you’ll get.


These Google dorks search for CSV, XLS and XLSX files that contain email addresses in them. This is perfect for finding contacts that you should reach out to.

GoalQueryFind CEO contact lists

+CEO "email" filetype:csv | filetype:xls | filetype:xlsx

Find blogger contact lists

"blogger" "email" filetype:csv OR filetype:xls OR filetype:xlsx

Find backlink sources

"dofollow" OR "nofollow" OR "backlink" "contact" OR "email" filetype:csv OR filetype:xls OR filetype:xlsx

Find Marketing contact lists

filetype:csv OR filetype:xls OR filetype:xlsx "Marketing" "email" "contact" OR "lead" OR "prospect" -sample 2017 "website" -template

These Google dorks search for Request For Proposals across different verticals. These are great for finding opportunities to apply for RFP’s you might not have known about otherwise

GoalQueryFind SEO RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “SEO” | "search engine optimization" -template -sample 2017

Find PPC RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “PPC” | "PAY PER CLICK" OR "Facebook Ad" -template -sample 2017

Find web design RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “web design” | "website design" | "website development" -template -sample 2017

Find Accounting RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “accounting” -template -sample 2017

Find Legal Service RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “legal” -template -sample 2017

Find Business Service RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “management” -template -sample 2017

Find PR RFP’s

“Request for proposal” | "RFP" filetype:doc | filetype:pdf | filetype:docx “PR” | "public relations" -template -sample 2017

Find writing RFP’s

“Request for proposal” OR "RFP" filetype:doc OR filetype:pdf OR filetype:docx “writing” -template -sample 2017

These Google dorks search for marketing proposals across verticals. This is useful to learn about your competitors and see what top-tier marketing proposals look like.

GoalQueryFind social media proposals

intitle:proposal "confidential" | "proprietary" | "do not distribute" filetype:ppt | filetype:pptx | filetype:pdf | filetype:doc | filetype:docx “social media management” | “facebook management” | "social media" | "SMM"-example -sample -request

Find PPC Proposals

intitle:proposal "confidential" | "proprietary" | "do not distribute" "PPC" filetype:ppt | filetype:pptx | filetype:pdf | filetype:doc | filetype:docx -example -sample -request

Find SEO Proposals

intitle:proposal "confidential" | "proprietary" | "do not distribute" "SEO" filetype:ppt | filetype:pptx | filetype:pdf | filetype:doc | filetype:docx -example -sample -request

Find Web Design Proposals

intitle:proposal "web design" | "web development" filetype:ppt | filetype:pptx | filetype:pdf | filetype:doc | filetype:docx -example -sample -request -school -student -students

Find PR Proposals

intitle:proposal "confidential" | "proprietary" | "do not distribute" "PR" | "press relations" filetype:ppt | filetype:pptx | filetype:pdf | filetype:doc | filetype:docx -example -sample -request

These are miscellaneous google dorks that can help with improving your marketing & business processes.

GoalQueryFind marketing playbooks

intitle:playbook filetype:pdf | filetype:ppt | filetype:pptx | filetype:doc | filetype: docx marketing

Find cold calling scripts

intitle:script "cold calling" filetype:doc | filetype:docx

Find email marketing templates

intitle:template "marketing" "email" filetype:doc | filetype:docx

Find work email addresses

filetype:csv OR filetype:xls OR filetype:xlsx "email" "@" "First Name" "Last Name" "Company" -sample 2017 "website" -template "contacts"

Find work phone numbers

filetype:csv OR filetype:xls OR filetype:xlsx "phone" "First Name" "Last Name" "Company" -sample 2017 "website" -template "contacts"

Find LinkedIn profiles of influencers in growth "growth"

Find LinkedIn profiles of influencers in marketing "marketing"

Find LinkedIn profiles of influencers in social media "social media"

Find Calendly links of marketers. "marketing" | "growth" | "PPC" | "SEO" | "Social" | "Consult" -blog

Find freelance contracts

intitle:contract filetype:doc | filetype:docx “freelance” -sample

Find agency contracts

intitle:contract filetype:doc | filetype:docx | filetype:pdf -sample "marketing agency"

P.P.S: If you liked this, give me atleast a dozen claps for good luck ;)

