BitFence: World Blockchain Forum New York 2018


BitFence team just returned from World Blockchain Forum in NYC, being there as a sponsor and presenter, and it was a HUGE success! As always Keynote organizers managed to attract very diverse and vibrant crowd of blockchain fans resulting in many interesting discussions, questions, new friends and business partners.

  1. Setup Day

Metropolitan West is a great, accessible location and upon arrival we were really pleased with a premium location of our booth. This is what dressed up version of it looked after initial setup:

Setup: T-Shirts, StingMiners, MyBitfence mining demo
Venue entrance

And of course, first day ended with a launch party at hudson terrace next door

Hudson Terrace

Hudson Terrace discussions was a highlight of the day. BitFence team met many new friends and great potential marketing partners.

2. First Conference Day

Lots of interest, lots of questions, t-shirts are flying away.

First Questions

This is our BitFence on-stage pitch and panel with questions and answers. Sorry for horrible picture quality, a better, professionally filmed video version will be posted as soon as Keynote will share it

BitFence Presentation

3. Day third — many, many interviews

On the third, and last day of conference BitFence gave many interviews, please stay tuned, they will be popping up on many youtube channels.


Our emails, TG and Texts are filled with followups. We would really like to thank organizers for this wonderful opportunity and looking forward to participate in more international events in future.

If you want to learn more about BitFence and consider participation in our HNY token generation event, please visit us at:

If you have any questions, we have 24/7 Telegram support right here:

Thank you for your time and stay tuned for further updates!

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