My Friend Believes Everyone Should Do Digital Detox Regularly

Here’s how he crushed a 10-day digital detox.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A man holding books and wearing backpack.
Photo by Padmathilaka Wanigasekara on Pexels

We all have crazy screen time but only a few of us are self-aware enough to do anything about it.

I spend most of my waking hours staring at a screen. And I’ll be the first to accept that I do the bare minimum to decrease the screen time.

But I have a friend who takes screen time very seriously.
He recently switched his smartphone with an ancient qwerty phone.

Here’s what happened when my friend went on a digital detox for 10 days.

Why he went on a digital detox

He is preparing for his Chartered Accountancy finals, which is one of the toughest courses in India. The pass percentage is only 11%.

His exams begin in May so he needs to get serious about his studies right now. This was the best time for him to practice digital detox.

Don’t be enslaved to technology

Your phone is your master. You are completely dependent on your phone for everything.

He has decided he never wants to be a slave to technology. He does these detoxes regularly to assure himself that he can live…



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-