A Block Chain Based Technology That Can Manage Healthcare Services

Nishant Tyagi
4 min readFeb 15, 2018


Healthureum is a multifunctional ecosystem based on blockchain technology that aims to transform how healthcare is managed across countries or regions. Blockchain technology has come by with the introduction of cryptocurrency that helps to record transactions in a way that such data cannot be duplicated or tampered with. Such data can be made accessible to different parties in a transparent manner. At the same time, access rights can differ as required between different parties. With such an approach different stakeholders and users of healthcare services can adopt a different approach in this sector.

Healthureum proposes a multifunctional and dynamic ecosystem that is based on the blockchain technology. Users of the system can access healthcare treatments in an efficient manner and even access to physicians or specialists across the globe. Treatment plans can be accessed through this system as well as health-related projects that can include research and philanthropic programs as well.

The system is based on the blockchain and smart contract technology. It adopts standardization, scalability and social responsibility as the guiding factors that define the way transactions are recorded, and data flow happens in this system. One of the main concerns is limited access, which is taken care of with this system. Telehealth services can be accessed through this system as well as other issues such as mis-utilization of health records and data of patients and inflated costs of medical infrastructure. The system provides health care in a decentralized system and brings data and transactions in the hands of individuals and patients. The gap that usually lies in data and records management can be closed with accountability, transparency and security aspects.

The smart contract technology that the system offers is based on ethereum token transactions. Five main focus areas are addressed by this system in the ways as discussed below:

Blockchian technology

Data systemization

Patients will find their personal data and medical records consolidated on this platform. Users of accounts on this system will find their data secure with private keys that are encrypted codes. The system will allow storage of information as well as sharing and collaboration between individuals and healthcare management.

Data systemization

Doctor consultations and referrals

Healthureum will provide telehealth services in the form of video consultation. The system will provide access to a large range of medical professionals whose qualifications would be validated on the system. One can get treatment plans prescribed to them through the system. One can also get referred to consultants through the system who are present in their local area. The network would help individuals to follow treatment plans they are prescribed as well as find diagnostic services through the system. When diagnostic services are associated with the system, reaching out to such vendors will help one to get their diagnostic records updated on the system. All such data would be saved in associated database systems where data can be accessed with the security codes provided to the individuals. Hence, whether it is treatment plans, referrals or diagnostic services, one can control access to their medical records and get them updated and edited as per the access rights that they provide to health care providers.

Doctor consulation on Healthureum

Medical infrastructure

Healthureum provides help to those who take up medical infrastructure projects. They can monitor their investments and projects by gauging their ROI, usage and demand as well as monitor supply chain management aspects through this system. Suppliers can be brought onto the system, and their records can be verified, and transactions made secure on this system. Records can be generated, and edits saved that cannot be manipulated. Hospitals can make budgets and plan the execution of the same with respect to expenses and budget requirements. Healthcare providers or stakeholders in such services can use the data systemization aspect to manage their budgets, records as well as identify trends in diseases that can also help in population health management.

Research programs

Healthureum can help in monitoring research programs with the blockchain based approach. Data maintenance, accessibility of the same as well a recording data can be done in a secure and scalable manner. Treatment trials can also be on the system with data monitoring and sharing of results made accessible in a controlled way.

Philanthropic activities

This is another area whereby social programs which need to reach out to the healthcare providers can get easy collaboration through the system. Healthureum ecosystem can get different stakeholders in close touch and makes collaboration easier for philanthropic programs.


