The Magical March from Nacho

A day of music, acrobats, riots and tear gas

Joshua Collins
Muros Invisibles


Aerialists perform for a crowd, suspended from an overpass in Bogota, Colombia

Bogota- Ivan Dario Hernandez, 55, stops me in the street while aerial-dancers swing in the background, suspended from an overpass. We are surrounded by tens of thousands of people banging drums and singing in the streets.

Organizers say 800,000 people participated in protests in Bogota as an anti-government national strike swept the country.

“The people do the work! We make this country!” he screams at me. “Are you recording!?”

I assure him that I am.

“OK! I just wanna say that (President of Colombia) Duque is a thief! And the IMF and the North Americans want to take our resources! (Bleep) Trump!” he screams again.

I thank him for the quote and he asks me where I’m from. I tell him New York.

“Oh shit! Coño!” he laughs. “I’m sorry brother. I love you. You seem really nice”

I assure him it’s OK and we laugh. He gives me a hug. That’s when a topless young acrobat drops down in the background behind us.

“Where the f*@k am I!” I think to myself laughing, remembering for the thousandth time why I fell in love with Colombia.



Joshua Collins
Muros Invisibles

A reporter on immigration and world affairs, based in Cucuta, Colombia. Bylines at Al Jazeera, Caracas Chronicles, New Humanitarian and more