Development Update April 2019: Introducing Biotron Mobile SDK and Fuel Stations Analytics

Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2019


Dear Biotronians,

I’m really excited to announce two milestones on our journey. We managed to finalize the first phase of our Mobile SDK for Android and iOS. Another product under development is the Fuel Station Analytics.

Biotron Mobile SDK for iOS and Android

One of the key elements of our ecosystem is the Mobile SDK. It allows us — and everybody who might be interested in doing so — to collect 4 datasets:

  1. Floating Car Data (used e.g. to create real-time traffic information)
  2. Persistent Location (used e.g. to identify visits to shops, etc.)
  3. Activity data (identifies modes of transport and the status of the device)
  4. App installs (Android only; list of installed applications on the device)

These datasets can be used to create movement patterns of population, their demography and interests. Analyzing them enables us to create products and services, such as the Fuel Stations Analytics (more on that below). This ultimately leads to rewards for you — users who contribute their data.

Privacy and security of users is of the utmost importance to us, so the SDK is compliant with GDPR and other privacy regulations. We never collect anything unless the user gives us a consent. And last but not least we’re using pseudonymisation and anonymisation, so it is not possible to identify individuals and we never share raw location data.

Currently we’re already working on a couple of pilot projects. We’ll keep you posted on their developments.

Biotron Fuel Stations Analytics (FSA)

FSA is our first analytics product. Think of it as Google Analytics for fuel station chains. At the moment we’re covering visits on all fuel stations in Slovakia. The roadmap is pretty solid, covering the future developments for about a year. Apart from new analysis and functionality we’ll be growing the coverage to other parts of Europe. However, if there’s demand from elsewhere, we’re able to cover any market in the world.

Fuel Stations Analytics — market overview (prototype; values have been edited)

We’re already in discussions to deploy FSA in 3 different markets. More info soon.

Get in touch with us!

You’re very welcome to ask us anything on our official Telegram group. Twitter might be of help here as well. We’re looking forward to your messages.

Have a successful week!

Best regards,

CEO of Biotron

