Hitting That Button

Let Go, Regret is but a Feeling

Stephen Ng
3 min readMay 3, 2014


For your own benefit and your precious time.


I never thought I'd feel such a relieve when I hit that button.

I felt like owing them a flavor, until I realized by showing my support, I also carried their burdens that I didn't sign up for.

Just think, how many people are you actively following on Twitter, on Youtube, on Facebook, or any other social media for that matters?

What did they do to deserve your attention, and your time?

Were you hitting that button simply because you liked one of their original contents?

Or was is because they urged you to do so, since it only took a click of the mouse that would mean a tremendous amount of love to them?

But what happened after that?

Maybe your feeds are so crowded with contents, you keep on scrolling down but could never reach the bottom?

Maybe you only occasionally glanced through those people you followed.

Maybe you did.

Basically, clicking that button means you're showing your individual support by increasing their general exposures to the others.

It’s numerical.

It’s precisely these kind of digital currency of credibility and likeability that drives the Internet nowadays, apart from the advertisements.

There, it all comes down to your personal preferences.

You can, by all means, hit that button and continue to show your support and give some of your precious time to devour those contents (But remember, it adds up).

Or, you can have the initiative by performing the opposite action of following. I cannot tell you how much it helps, or hurts those you once followed. But I can tell you this, unlike giving away your seat on a workday morning train, there’s always somebody else doing it.

Think, what’s important to you?

Information is power, but with great power comes great comprehensibility. Do you reflect and ponder, or do you consume then discard?

There’s nothing wrong that we are craving for input, though the concept of garbage in garbage out still applies.

With the incredulous amounts of fishy information and data pouring into your memory pool everyday, how many do you think have survived the shipment to shore?

I’m not bounded by guilt, or regret. I’m free.

I can focus on those premium contents of my choice even more. Maybe I will unfollow some more, until I have reached the point of no going back.

You should try it sometime, it’s refreshing. Don't sweat it though ‘cuz you are not me. You'll never be me.

Disclaimer: Your actions, may, or may not create a paradox that would forever alter the landscape of how Social Medias works. DO NOT hit that UNFOLLOW/UNSUBSCRIBE button unless you are absolutely sure that you would not be held responsible for those declined in fame.

I hope this clustered structure I’m experimenting gives you the choice to read what you like, and skip what you don’t like.

Is it working? Or too fragmented? Does it clarify the message I’m trying to convey effectively, as in having a central (topic) idea in each section?

Feel free to drop me a line →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

