【The Importance of Prediction】

1 min readJul 25, 2018




對我們來說,預測可以是一個娛樂,卻也可能是一件很嚴肅的事情 — 也就是說,誰能精準的預測未來會發生什麼事情,就很有可能成為某個領域的箇中翹楚。



Everyone has heard about “Prediction”.

When it comes to prediction, we may think about weather forecast, stock trends, or then next champion of FIFA in 2022.

For us, prediction may be an amusement. However, it can also be something very serious — that is to say, one who can make precise prediction is likely to be the expert in certain field.

And this is what our platform is doing: to provide AI tool for each one to predict what they want to know without spending large amount of fee.

For example, we have some cases of prediction about baseball game, game battle and financial product.

Welcome to tell us what kind of prediction you want to do.

