Polkadot Asia Tour (Nov-Dec)

Polkadot Network
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2018

Polkadot developers and researchers are traveling to Asia to continue work building the community in Seoul, Tokyo and Beijing. From 17 Nov.-7 Dec., members of Polkadot’s core development team, research team, and 2/3 Polkadot Co-Founders will attend conferences, host meetups, and conduct technical workshops. The tour begins in Tokyo for the Node Tokyo conference, travels to Seoul for the BUIDL conference and the first Polkadot Seoul meetup, heads back to Tokyo for the Polkadot Community Launch, and ends in Beijing for the second edition of Polkadot Beijing.

Check out the dates and details below. We hope to see you there!

18–20 November— Tokyo

Node Tokyo

Web3 Foundation’s Adrian Brink is presenting Polkadot at the Node Tokyo conference 19 November. As a former Lead Developer at Cosmos, Adrian has deep knowledge about interoperability and the differences between the leading blockchain interoperability platforms. Adrian’s presentation will include comparisons between these platforms and how best to get started with Polkadot.

Node Tokyo Meetup & Workshop

Also at Node Tokyo, Adrian is giving a technical workshop on parachain development and how to onboard into the Polkadot network using Substrate. If you’re interested in building your own custom DAppchain or blockchain then this workshop is for you! Other participants in the workshop include OmiseGo, Ethereum Foundation, Status and Kadena. More information can be found here.

20 November-1 December— Seoul

Provenance Seoul

Fabian Gompf, VP of Technology Partnerships, is attending Provenance Summit November 20 in Seoul. Fabian Gompf will be speaking on Polkadot’s scalability solution and how teams can easily build custom DAppchains and blockchains using Substrate today.


Co-Founder of Polkadot Rob Habermeier is presenting “Polkadot: The Implications of Interoperability” at BUIDL Seoul 29 November. Rob is also participating in a panel about “Solving the Trilemma with Novel Ideas” with Cosmos, Spacemesh, Solana, and Celer Network. Also at BUIDL, Polkadot Lead Researcher Alistair Stewart is diving into Polkadot’s novel consensus algorithm GRANDPA.


Alistair is also giving a technical workshop specifically on consensus. Alistair has a knack for finding vulnerabilities in the consensus mechanisms for major decentralised systems, so if you’re interested in learning about beacon chains, guaranteed randomness, sybil resistance and more, this workshop is for you!

Polkadot Seoul Meetup

We are very excited for the first Polkadot Community meetup in Seoul! Web3 Foundation and KryptoSeoul are co-organising the event, and speakers include Polkadot Co-Founder Rob Habermeier, W3F Technologist Adrian Brink, W3F Council Member Ryan Zurrer, and W3F and Polkadot Research Lead Alistair Stewart.

Join the Korean and English meetup pages.

2–5 December — Tokyo

Polkadot Tokyo Meetup

Web3 Foundation is also organising the first Polkadot Tokyo meetup 4 December where 2/3 of Polkadot’s Co-Founders will present. Gavin Wood and Robert Habermeier will present on interoperability, Substrate, and how to get started building on Polkadot.

Join the English & Japanese meetup pages.

5–7 December — Beijing

Polkadot Beijing Meetup

For the final stop on the Asia tour, Web3 Foundation and Neutrino are hosting the second Polkadot Beijing meetup. Polkadot Co-Founder Gavin Wood, W3F Council Member Ryan Zurrer, W3F Technologist Adrian Brink, and ChainX’s Lipeng Yue will discuss Substrate, parachains, and how to on-board into the Polkadot network.

Join the official WeChat group. Learn more on ODaily or ChainNews.

Thank you for reading! If you would like your city to feature on the 2019 Polkadot World Tour then please get in touch:

  • Open a new issue for your city (or commenting on an existing issue/city to find collaborators) on W3F’s Collab Repo.
  • Complete this application form and the W3F team will get back to you with how we can collaborate on community building initiatives.

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