ZEEPIN Global Meetup Tour — Design of Business, Business of Design on Blockchain

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4 min readJun 22, 2018

On June 19th, the second stop of ZEEPIN Global Meetup Tour took place in Singapore, themed as “Design of Business,Business of Design on Blockchain”. ZEEPIN invited senior researchers, designers, creatives, project partners of the blockchain industry as well as some media companies to explore this topic together. The guest speakers shared their thoughts on how creative industries can benefit from the blockchain technology, and discussed with community members upon efficient solutions accessible to creatives in the future.

Shenbi Xu, Zeepin CSO

Shenbi Xu, Chief Strategy Officer of ZEEPIN, elaborated on ZEEPIN’s efforts on a move to a new mechanism of collaboration by inventing a creative ecosystem to help creatives more easily and readily commercialize their work. For example, ZeeRights can help creators process copyright transaction and exchange value to optimize the efficiency of the whole value chain.

Leo Cai, Head of Investor Relations of Zeepin & Co-Founder of Feel Free Fund

The next speaker, co-founder of FEEL FREE FUND(FFF) and head of Investor Relations of Zeepin — — Leo Cai, shed a light on savvy investment strategies when it came to blockchain projects. He pointed out that the tremendous potential of the creative industries, the strength professionalism of ZEEPIN team, and strategies of long-term and steady development would be the major advantages over other projects that will capture more investors.

Zhu Fei, Zeepin CEO

Zhu Fei, founder and CEO of ZEEPIN, introduced why he established ZEEPIN and the vision of the future ecosystem. In the early days of the Internet development, he established Arting365 to serve the creative industries by providing matchmaking services for creators. However, with ever-increasing demands for transaction, issues plaguing the traditional centralized mechanism have become even more sharpened — — such as the difficulties in copyright protection, inefficiency of transactions, fundraising, underestimation of creative value and other issues. At the end of 2015, through in-depth study of the blockchain technology and related mechanisms, the team found that blockchain was born to solve the root of abovementioned problems. It is the goal and mission of ZEEPIN to explore blockchain-powered solutions to remove the pain points of the creative industries, allowing creative professionals to work more efficiently and smartly.

Rundown of ZEEPIN Singapore Meetup

All the three speakers have stressed the blueprint that ZEEPIN will reshape the ecosystem of the creative industries through community tokens, which is exactly the uniqueness of the creative new economy that ZEEPIN leads. As the ecosystem initiator, ZEEPIN uses ZEEPIN Token (ZPT) as reward, to hatch promising business ideas and to assist creative projects to quickly raise fund and realize application. Co-building the ecosystem will lead to a new pattern of value exchange.

ZEEPIN’s creative ambassador, Jonathan Ramalho, together with other guests had an informative panel discussion on the impact and benefits that blockchain will bring to the creative industries. They expressed their perspectives on copyright registration and protection, transparent transaction, smart contract, and ways of empowering the creatives with blockchian.All guests called for a more open and free environment that will help to give the potential of creatives into full play.

Panel Discussion Rundown

Jonathan Ramalho has long been concerned about the status of the creatives, with his production documentary Designers Inbetween. He pointed out that the Internet makes it possible for remote working, but has not fundamentally changed the collaboration mechanism. The application of blockchain technology, such as smart contract, indicates the potential revolution on creative collaboration and may facilitate the commercialization of creativity values.

Empower creativity and unlock the future. ZEEPIN’s next stops will be taking place in Hangzhou and Chengdu. Please stay tuned for our latest updates.


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A decentralized network for creators & creative assets. |website: https://www.zeepin.io |