your story is someone’s life-changing story

what you experience or the stories you have might be someone’s missing puzzle to solve in their life.

Kevin Nokia
5 min readJul 22, 2024
Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Your story is bullsh*t.

Your story is not helpful.

Your story is embarrassing.

Even so, there will always be someone who relates to you and changes their life because of your life story.

I’m very grateful that my readers love my story, and some of them change their lives with my stories. The story that I write is from my experience about how I face some problems and how I’m trying to find solutions. Basically, I’m journaling.

But I do it publicly.

My story is embarrassing

At first, I felt the same way as in the first three sentences that I wrote.

I feel like my story is just a common one that everyone experiences. My story feels like it is not helpful at all. Other than that, I feel embarrassed sometimes to think about my story going public.

Well, all of those might be true, but in reality, most of us see people’s stories from different perspectives.

Stories that we experience will never be the same for other people.

We might relate, but how we feel and think about that experience will never be the same at all. I mean, it might be the same as what you think, but never entirely the same.

Our own lives are different for many people because each of us is unique and different from other people. We are born with different minds, environments, friends, places, and many other things.

There will not be the same between one and another story, which is crazy.

You can’t judge your own stories

This is why you can’t judge your own story or experience in the first place.

What you experience might be someone’s missing pieces to complete their puzzle in life. Your embarrassing story might be someone’s solution to the problem that they’ve had for years.

Whenever I write something, I only focus on writing my own stories and how I find solutions to them.

I just write down experiences that I had when I was a child, in high school, and in college. All of that is just my memory, where I experience and then learn.

Learn from your experiences and find some solutions.

Trial and error.

The more you fail, the more stories you can share with other people.

This could help you find your own solutions to your problems, too.

Sharing is teaching

When you write publicly and share your solutions with other people, you are actually teaching other people too.

When you want to master something, teach it, just like Feynman said.

So, there’s actually a benefit to sharing our own experience or story and sharing solutions with other people.

There’s one story that I wrote in my article, and I felt like, “Well, this is just an ordinary story; people might see this as a common article.” After a while, someone replied and said that he loved my article and that it changed his life.

I was surprised when I saw that because I couldn’t understand how my story could change someone’s life.

Before that, why do people love my story?

I then think and read my story again, trying to see it from a different perspective as a reader.

Then I was amazed by my own story and loved it too because of how different it was from the reader’s perspective. I didn’t even realize it when I wrote it, and I thought my story was just an ordinary story.

The amazing thing about writing is that you might not be aware of or realize what you are writing.

What you write in your articles might have some magic in it or words that people are trying to find, but you don’t realize it.

That’s why writing has a different perspective for readers.

The magic of writing

When you see your story after writing it, it looks like it’s a common story.

Try to give it a day and read it tomorrow. Become a reader. See the headline. Try to gain knowledge from your own article. Then read it from the start until the end.

Then you will find out that sometimes you have written magical things in your own writing.

That’s how writing turned into an amazing, life-changing story.

Your story is not an ordinary story

What you are struggling, suffering, or facing right now is built for someone else in the future to motivate them, teach them, and change their life.

Your story might seem boring, your story might seem ordinary, or your story might seem unhelpful. Your story could be all of those in what your mind is saying, while in reality it is someone else’s life-changing story.

What you are learning and what you experience might be the keys to taking someone’s life to the next level.

What you share or tell others may be a puzzle that someone has been working on for years.

So, face your problems, learn from them, and share them with other people.

Write it down too, and you will know that what you have experienced has meaning for you in the future and for other people in their lives.

“One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide”

— Brene Brown.

The Mastery of Reading 🚀| Reading 0 to 100

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New Substack! ✨

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  • Kevin Nokia Writing: My personal journey from struggling through depression to becoming a successful individual.
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Essential Resources for Your Journey 📚

  • The Habit of Reading (Free) | Download here
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Kevin Nokia

Building reading and writing habits to eliminate doom-scrolling with I Am Literate