How to Import Stock Information for All Tickers in the US and TW Market into SQLite via Python Colab? Part 1.b

IMU Framework Design
2 min readJul 11, 2023


Previously on How to Import Stock Information for All Tickers in the US and TW Market into SQLite via Python Colab? Part 1, we talked about how to pull all tickers of US and TW markets. We would like to share another way to get the stock symbol list.

The FinanceDatabase serves the role of providing anyone with any type of financial product categorisation entirely for free. Unlike stocksymbol, financedatabase does not include TW market information but it does contain ETFs that stocksymbol does not include.

Step 0: install financedatabase

!pip install financedatabase 

Step 1: Grab all equities including international exchanges

import financedatabase as fd
import pandas as pd

equities = fd.Equities()
df =
df['symbol'] = df.index


Step 2: Grab all ETFs

etfs = fd.ETFs()
df_etf =
df_etf ['symbol'] = df_etf.index

Step 3: Import these two data frames into SQLite

from google.colab import drive
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
df_etf = df_etf.reset_index(drop=True)

import sqlite3

con = sqlite3.connect('/content/drive/MyDrive/data/Stock.db')

df.to_sql('financedatabase_eq', con, if_exists='replace')
df_etf.to_sql('financedatabase_etf', con, if_exists='replace')


Thank you! enjoy it!

