What Is The Best Way To Monetize Your Website In 2019?

Jeremy Hood
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2019

So you started a website and all of a sudden you are seeing thousands of visitors come to it every month, now what? Most likely you are thinking about how you can turn those visitors into cash in your pocket.

There are several ways to monetize your website traffic, however, deciding which one is right for your site can be difficult.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons with some of the most common ways to monetize a website.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize the website and is very easy to get into it. In fact, many entrepreneurs start their online business this way.

Affiliate marketing is when you promote someone else’s product to your website visitor. Usually, you provide a link to a product that you are promoting and if your visitor buys the product, that company will pay you a commission.

How do you think Amazon got so big? In fact, the Amazon associate affiliate program accounts for 37% of the market share.

If you have ever Google’d a product that you were looking to buy, there’s a good chance you clicked through to Amazon from someone’s blog and paid them a commission.

Depending on your website topic affiliate marketing could be a great way to monetize your website traffic.

Display Ads

Display ads are another simple yet effective way to monetize your website traffic. With this type of monetization, you will get paid every time one of your visitors clicks on an ad.

Google AdSense, for example, is one of the largest advertising networks in the industry. It is easy to join the program and all you need to do is place a little bit of code on your website to get the ads up and running.

This model pays a lot less, however, the visitor does not actually have to pay for something, they just need to click on the ad.

Sometimes you can get paid per impression but most often the visitor will have to click on the ad. You can also create channels for specific types of appetizers.

Direct Advertising

Direct advertising consists of selling ad space to potential advertisers directly without using a middle man such as an advertising Network.

Here at Kind Ads, this is what we are allowing all the publishers and advertisers to do. We created the platform for them to communicate directly and buy ads whether they are display ads, email blasts or push notifications.

This way, publishers won’t have to give a large portion of the revenue to ad networks and advertisers can get more out of their advertising budget.

You don’t need to use a platform for direct advertising as long as you have time to reach out to the advertisers and convince them to but ads on your website.

However, it would be much easier to simply join the Kind Ads platform to showcase your inventory.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is very similar to affiliate marketing in that you are sending your visitor to another company.

However, unlike affiliate marketing, the visitor doesn’t necessarily need to purchase the product or service they simply need to meet the criteria for qualified lead.

There are many service type businesses that will pay a few dollars for a lead that you send them from your website.

Some common niches for lead generation include:

  • Traveling sites
  • Insurance
  • Home services
  • Education
  • Credit Cards
  • Real Estate
  • Assisted Living

Just make sure that you have the appropriate disclosure on your website to let your visitors know that you may be sharing their contact information with third-parties.

You should also do your research on the partners that you collaborate with. Because they could fail to pay for qualified leads by disqualifying them for some reason.

This is uncommon but unfortunately, it does happen.

Info Products

Info products are another great way to monetize your website. They have a high-profit margin and once they are created they require little effort to maintain them.

Are you an expert in your field? You can easily create an ebook from blog posts that you may have already written.

How much could you sell it for? $5? $10? That is often a higher payout than many affiliate commissions.

Finding the time to create an info product your customers want to could be pretty well worth it in the long run.

You could also create a course which would be more expensive than just an ebook but maybe you could charge them $100 for it? Or $1,000?

It really depends on how much of an expert you have portrayed yourself as.


Creating your own physical product is another great way to monetize the website traffic but does come with a little more risk and management.

Once again Amazon makes it easy to monetize your website in this way with their fulfillment by Amazon service. You simply ship them your product and they take care of distribution for a small fee.

This is great, allowing them to handle the hard part.

This still requires a great deal of work on your end. You will need to find a supplier to create your product. You’ll most likely have to spend several thousand dollars to get a great price. And then you will need to market it to your website visitors.

Drop shipping

Drop shipping is similar to having your own product except you never actually have to own any inventory.

There are suppliers that will work with you and take your orders as they come in. The margins will not be as high as creating your own products but there’s also less risk that you don’t have to do buy a bunch of inventory to get a great price.

The suppliers are usually eager to work with you because it means increased sales for them.

Again depending on your topic, this could be another great way to monetize your website.


Of course, there are many other ways to monetize your website traffic however these are just a few of the most common. Some are easier than others but the ones that require more work usually have the potential for more money.

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to monetize your website it’s to sell ads directly to advertisers. If you haven’t already checked out the Kind Ads platform head over there today and see what the fuss is about.

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