2 min readOct 21, 2018


One example could be enough to explain the essence of the project, but we decided to outline several situations, which describe not only the project mechanics, but also the significance and meaning of our joint project. Together we can not only achieve economic prosperity, but also be a project with a social mission, a hope for many talented but underrated people. Together we change the world for the better.

Example 2. Talented musician

We know many examples when a single hit song brought unprecedented glory and recognition to its authors. We can recall such global hits as «Hotel California» by Eagles, «Macarena» by Los Del Rio, «The house of the rising sun» from The Animals and many others. Moreover, such music idols as Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Freddy Mercury came from ordinary families and had no connections in show business. One cannot overrate the extent of investor’s revenue when it comes to support of musician at the start of his career who can later turn into a star of this scale. In this case the platform mechanics could be used this way: 1. Investor spots promising musician on TALENTICO platform, at our offline space GLORYSPACE or at an event, organized by project’s partner. 2. By observing the reaction of the guests at the event and analyzing user activity in the prospective star’s profile on the platform (likes, comments, voting results, expert evaluations), either by relying on recommendations from advisor group, investor decides whether it is perspective to invest in this person. 3. Owing to investor’s support, the talented musician receives a contract with a record label or a producer centre that start working on his promotion. If investor is a professional promoter, he signs the contract with the talented musician himself. 4. After achieving the goals in accordance with pre-contract, the musician pays dividends to his investor from all types of income: studio contracts, commercials, concerts, record sales and merchandise. Part of the revenue is returned in platform tokens, which in its turn stimulates token popularity growth.


Talentico is a unique platform that offers talents the spotlight to be discovered and recognized regardless of their age, location or field of work